20 | Return and Christmas

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❝The truth will out.❞

Isabelle woke up with a loud gasp. Her lungs were crying for oxygen, and she felt relieved when she was finally able to breathe properly after coughing up the remaining water she had in her lungs. The girl's heart was pounding so loud that she almost heard it. She put her hands on her hair which was at the same length as it was before she entered Narnia. As she did the movement, she noticed that her injured arm was harmless. The bandage was nowhere to be found. In fact, not even a scar was palpable. Nothing which could prove that Isabelle was in a fight only hours before.

"Izzy!" She heard someone's quavering voice.

The witch could finally open her eyes, and two familiar, and startled, faces were in front of her. She immediately pulled the two boys into an embrace and held them so tightly, she got scared for a second that she might squeeze them to death. Isabelle missed them so much, those months without them was too much for her, she hadn't spent so many times on her own, without them by her side. She felt relieved as she sniffed the smell of them. Scorpius' mint and Albus' chocolate smell pervaded her nostrils, calming her heartbeat.

"What happened?" Isabelle asked, her voice sounded rusty like she hadn't used it in ages. She looked around, looking for Madam Pomfrey, but they were still on the train, more exactly, she was on the floor of the train.

"You passed out for a minute. Scared the hell out of us. In one moment you were walking with us, and in the next you were- I don't know what was going on with you, but it was like you were choking," Scorpius gave her the answer and helped her up, not letting go of her because he was afraid she might fall back.

"What happened to you?" Albus questioned as Isabelle was on her feet.

"I-" the female started but couldn't continue.

Images of Edmund, Lucy, Eustace, Caspian and all the other Narnians appeared in her mind, and Isabelle had to fight the urge to cry. Her hands started to sweat when she realised that the whole Narnian adventure might only be a dream. But then her hand paddled on something firm in her pocket. Edmund's gift. It was real. All of it was real. Warmness filled her heart by the thought of them with a hint of bitterness, thinking that she wouldn't see them again unless she watches the movies, which is not the same.

"Hey," Scorpius said in a soft voice. He clasped her body and stroked her shoulder. "Let's go inside, and you can get a good sleep."

"I will talk to Madam Pomfrey. She should give you something to help you sleep," Albus stated and quickened his tempo to get to the matron. They knew that Isabelle had insomnia, but Albus figured out that her pill, which she ran out of anyway, wouldn't have helped, she seemed too upset.

"Remind me to send a letter to mum," she told Scorpius.


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