14 | Arousal

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❝Accidents will happen.❞

"Isabelle, wake up! Come on, you have been unconscious for too long." The girl felt someone shaking her body. Then that someone cupped her face, and her mind chose that moment to clear up and wake up.

"Holy-" Isabelle sat up abruptly, almost bumping Edmund who bent over her. "Please tell me nobody kissed me!" She took a deep breath, and she gradually felt better after the fresh air percolated her lungs. She looked around and noticed that the sun was already down, only the bright stars and the moon were seen. A thick blanket was wrapped around her, keeping her body warm and making her look like a giant burrito.

"What had happened to you?" Caspian bent down to her other side.

"I probably shouldn't have apparated. Seems like it affects me in a different way in this world," Isabelle put her hand on her head, trying to reduce the pain inside it.

"Appa-what?" Caspian asked, not understanding the phrase.

"Apparate. I would like to show you, but I don't feel like fainting again. Let's say that I can teleport myself. And I could teleport with you if I held your hands," Isabelle told them, massaging her temple.

"Yes, of course, silly me," Caspian stated like he should have known it.

"How are you feeling?" Edmund asked.

"Better. Eustace?" Isabelle rubbed her eyes, trying to see clearly. A grimace appeared on her face when her headache grew stronger.

"He's over there, lying and looking quite depressed," Edmund pointed behind her. She looked back and saw him. In dragon form. "You could have really told us that he would turn into a dragon, don't you think?" he asked, trying to sound furious but failed. He was too worried at that moment to feel anger.

"Sorry. I didn't want to spoil anything," Isabelle replied. "Can I talk to him?"

"Why do you ask? You're free to do whatever you want." Caspian chuckled. "You make it sound like you're a prisoner."

"You couldn't capture me anyway," Isabelle grinned and stood up with Edmund's help. She didn't need help to get up, but he helped her anyway. And they say chivalry is dead.

"Of course I could," Caspian cleared his throat, standing straight, trying to look as mighty as he could.

Isabelle snickered behind her hand. "Whatever you say, my King," she bowed slightly and slowly began to walk away with her hands in her robe's pockets.

"You know you couldn't do that." She heard Edmund say that to Caspian.

"Yes, I know." The older male sighed, although there was no agony in his voice, his voice sounded more proud than furious.

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