Not Today Sammy

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For those who have just started watching and have found this book, beware there is spoilers for SN 1; EP 2.


It was the beginning to a new day, and a new hunt. Sam and Dean had heard about the attack in the forrest near Black Water Ridge. Mainly due to their dad's journal.

Many people in the area assumed it was a grizzly bear attack, but of course Sam and Dean looked into it. 

They set up in a small motel, in town. Dean was busy brushing his teeth while Sam, lay, still snoring softly under the blankets. If Sam thought the older one was not going to get worried, he was wrong. Dean didn't mind at first, but then it neared eleven o'clock, and then he started to worry. They were usually already at a cafe, doing a little more poking around, before they got into the dirty work. Dean got up from sitting on his bed, walking over to Sam.

"Sam!" He started off quiet, while gently shaking his shoulder. But when that didn't work, he spoke louder and Sam sat bolt up right. He looked up to his brother. "Good morning, sunshine. How we feeling today?"

"Fine, fine... What time is it?" The younger hunter asked, fidgeting with the blanket over him.

"The time? It's nearly eleven thirty. We usually have breakfast already." Dean leaned in moving to feel Sam's forehead, but the younger Winchester stopped him.

"Sorry... I'm used to sleeping in on a weekend." He sighed, getting dressed then brushing his teeth.

"Well get used to late nights and early mornings. And it's Tuesday." 

Silence. Then loud, painful, coughing from the bathroom.

"Sam?" Dean started to walk that way, but Sam already walked out and past Dean.

The older Winchester followed his brother to the Impala. Both boys got in, driving to a nearby cafe. They found a table once they arrived and Sam pulled the laptop out, opened it on the table and started to look for information. Dean kept an eye on him as he looked at the menu for a decent sounding breakfast meal.

Once they had both ordered Sam began to speak. "Hey get this, the same attacks happened 23 three years ago, and then 23 before that. Once in 1959 and 1936" Sam mumbled, before coughing into his arm.

"Well let's get going to talk to the girl." Dean spoke, while his omlette and bacon was place in front of him and Sam got his breakfast salad. The eldest dug right in, but Sam pushed his food away looking in another direction. Dean glanced up with a frown. "Eat, Sammy."

"I'm not hungry." The younger Winchester told him plainly. "And it's Sam."

"Whatever. Just eat." Dean took another bite from his bacon and glanced out the cafe window.

Sam sighed, and pulled it closer picking up a utensil and beginning to eat his salad. Although he barely ate any of it. They threw out their garbage, heading out to the sister of one of the attacked campers. 

~Time skip~

The two hunters got back to their motel, Sam going straight to his bed and immediately falling asleep. Dean sighed, and sat on his bed.

"You are not going on that hunt Sammy." The eldest said quietly, while his brother snored.  Dean got up and left the motel to get some food. He locked the door and got into the impala and drove off.

While Dean had gone, Sam had woken up. He sat up in a dazed, still half asleep, before in minutes the aches of his feverish body returned, his headache came back full swing, along with the nausea that hit him like a speeding semi-truck. He dizzily got out bed and made his way to the bathroom, holding the wall as he walked. Sam coughed and gagged, picking up his pace slightly. Once he had managed to get into the bathroom, he shakily sunk to the floor in front of the toilet and propped his head up on his elbow, which rested on the rim. The young hunter coughed and gagged again, his whole body tensing up. Nothing was happening so far, just dry heaving. "D-Dean...!" Sam weakly called out, not knowing his brother wasn't there.

He sat there breathing heavily for, god knows how long, before anything happened. The hunter's body tensed up, as he sat up straighter and coughed, then promptly vomited into the basin. Sam didn't get much time to breathe, because he puked again.

Dean walked into the room carrying a big take-away bag, and immediately heard the coughs and harsh heaves coming from the bathroom. "Oh Sammy..." He sighed, placing the bag on the table, closing and locking the door, then heading to help out his younger brother.

He tried opening the door, but something was in front of it. "Sam? You okay?" Dean asked through the small opening.

"Y-yeah... I'm fine. Fine..." He stammered, moving from laying in front of the door.

Dean then squeezed himself through the crack in the door, and kneeled next to his brother. He adjusted Sam so he was in a more comfortable position. "You are not going on that hunt."

"Yes, I am. I-" The hunter began to cough, cutting himself off mid sentence. "I'm fine."

Dean laid a hand on his forehead. "Not with a fever like this! Plus, look at you! You can barely even sit up on your own, let alone stand and fight a goddamn wendigo!" The older of the two suddenly went into his motherly-older-brother mode.


"No buts! Let's get you back to bed..." Dean carefully helped Sam off the gross floor and slowly brought him to bed, yet Sam still wasn't having any of it.

"I can still hunt! Just let me go...!" His voice began to trail off, while he drifted to sleep, after Dean had covered him with the blanket.

"Not today Sammy." Dean chuckled, and walked to his bed after grabbing his burger.

"Dean?" Sam whispered after a few minutes of silence.

"Yeah, Sammy?" He looked up, worriedly.

"I can smell your burger from here, and it's nauseating." Sam spoke, his voice soft and quiet.

Dean laughed. "Bitch."



Hope you guys enjoyed that! It's my first chapter for a supernatural related sickfic, and I think I did okay! Hopefully you guys thought so too! So, carry on my wayward sons.


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