Teen Dean- Falsely Accused

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Requested by Bestofallthefandoms

Dean: 16

Sam: 12

(Edit:no clue what happened apparently it got unpublished somehow?)

Dean woke up late at night feeling way too hot which was odd as the motel he was in with his brother and father was fairly chilled. He groans softly, his muscles aching as he barely moves to get comfortable. His head was fuzzy from being half alseep. "Hmnph..." He huffs drifting back to sleep, only to be woken up half an hour later by his dad.

"Wake up, get dressed we need to get going for a hunt." He stated in his normally gruff voice. "Now, hurry up, before I kick your butt to the car." He grumbles impatiently as his teenage son sits up weakly.

Dean sighs. "But... Dad... I don't feel good, my throat hurts and I'm dizzy." He complains, then coughs a bit his throat feeling like sand paper against nails.

"Dean, you are not pulling this today! Get up, get dressed and hurry your ass to the car. I'm not playing games!" John snapped, already done with Dean's crap.

Dean opens his mouth to say something, then looks down sadly almost in shame. Normally he would have fought with his dad, but he was in too much pain to do so. John storms out of the motel room with multiple bags, and the oldest son sighs.

He swallowed roughly and got to his feet dizzily and then stumbled over to Sam. Dean coughs into his arm, before gently shaking his little brother. "Sammy? Wake up we have to go on a hunt."

Sam doesn't budge, still snoring softly. Dean not having the heart to actually wake up his brother, weakly picks him up and carries him out to the car. John glares at him, once he sees his son carrying the youngest, though says nothing, but make a gesture for Dean to get in the car.

Dean coughs quietly as he sits in the back with a sleeping Sam, sitting the 12 year old beside him and letting him lean on his side. He buckles them both up, and attempted to fall asleep as his dad took off onto the road.


Dean had managed to sleep for nearly the whole drive until he woke up sweaty and disoriented from the amount of heat his body was radiating. He snapped his head up as if he had no idea he had fallen asleep, making a couple panicked mumbles as he did so. Sam looks up at his brother and furrowed his eyebrows in concern. "Dad? Dean doesn't look so good." He said.

John rolled his eyes. "He's fine." He grumbles.

Dean looked out the window rather confused for a few minutes on why his head was spinning then he felt the car jerk around a corner and he groans leaning up against the cold window. "Dad..." He spoke weakly.

"What Dean?" He snaps abruptly, looking at his oldest out of the review mirror, seeing the sweat on his forehead, but assuming it was all an act.

"M-may I roll down the window? It's really hot in here..." He panted a little, he could barely move his arm to reach for the crank for the window.

"It's perfectly fine Dean. You are not rolling that window down." He scoffed, turning the volume higher with his Metallica casset tape in the slot.

The 16 year old winced at the volume and sighs, knowing he won't get anywhere. He continues to lean on the cool window, drifting to sleep again, only to be shaken awake by Sam. "Dean, we're at the motel." He says in his tiny voice. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, I'm okay Sammy. You don't have to worry. Just a bit warm and dizzy." He smiles, reassuringly, trying to be strong for Sam. Though his throat was in even more pain.

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