Oh, Boy... A Sick Angel

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As long as you know who Castiel is, you'll be okay.


Dean and Sam sat in silence in their motel room, waiting and reasearching for any new cases to arrise. Only speaking every so often to see if the other had found anything yet; the answer always being "no" or "not yet".

The two were too wrapped up in what they were doing, that they didn't hear the sound of wings or notice Castiel who had appeared in the middle of the room. The angel swayed on his feet, and collapsed backwards onto the bed behind him. This caught Dean's attention, as it was the bed he was sitting on. He frowned at his friend and quickly got up.

"Cas?" Dean asked quickly, kneeling in front of him. Sam looked up, then did the exact same thing except saying.

"Woah..." The brothers looked at each other, worry written across their faces. Cas looked worse for wear, his face pale and his body trembly. The angel looked very weak and tired.

"I-I need help. I-I think my vessel is broken." He spoke weakly, sounding confused and drained.

"What do you mean by broken?" Dean asked, his frown deepening. He looked to Sam, then back at Cas. And just as Castiel was about to speak to answer Dean's question, his stomach growled and gurgled, sounding upset. The angel groaned, slipping a little from his hold on the bed.

Dean sighed knowing what was going on, before motioning to Sam to go get a few things. "Cas, your vessel isn't broken. You're just experiencing what it's like to be sick." Dean summerized, leaning forward to help the angel onto his feet again.  "I didn't even know angels could get sick."

Cas leaned into him as he was hoisted up onto his incredibly weak and shaky legs. His stomach made another upset gurgle of discomfort, causing Cas to groan and lean forward with his arms wrapped around his middle. Dean, gently guided Castiel onto the bed laying him down, where he was slightly propped up on the headboard with pillows. "Just lay here, I think you may have the flu. Just let me get something. And dont move!" He spoke sternly, before walking away.

Cas sighed, very confused. He's heard of sickness. But he's never been affected by it, maybe cause his grace heals the illness quite quickly. He supposed it was because he was weakening himself, therefore weakening his grace, that this issue had come to be. Due to the fact he hasn't endured sickness before, he didn't know the feeling right before you threw up. The angel had realized the increase of saliva in his mouth, and the feeling of nausea, but he didn't know he was going to vomit, until it happened. All over himself and a bit on the bed.

Dean came back in a bucket and thermometer in hand, while Sam followed with medicine. "Dammit Cas!" Dean snapped, running over placing the thermometer down, then holding the bucket below his angel friend's chin as another round spewed out of his mouth into the bin.

Castiel took a deep breath in then sputtered, lurching forward. Dean jumped and glanced at him in disgust. Cas' eyes widened. "I-I'm sor-" he got cut off as he quickly moved away from Dean to be back over the bucket, as he threw up again. "I-I'm sorry." He spoke hoarsely once he could breathe properly again, and leaned heavily onto the headboard.

"It's okay, Cas. Sam's done a lot worse." He sighed, pulling off his jacket and shirt, before leaving the room. Sam looked at Cas as the angel, breathed heavily, looking even more exhausted.

"What does he mean?" Cas looked at Sam. "What does he mean you've done worse?" He whispered, trembling.

Sam blushed and got flustered. "Um... It's embarrassing, so don't ask." He smiled awkwardly.

Castiel nodded, closing his eyes. Dean walked back in his shirt changed, carrying his sweatpants and a hoodie. "Cas, you good to stand for a minute to change into more comfortable clothes?"

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