Down Goes Deano

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This is a request from percabethshipper201 Enjoy!


Dean was worried. Scratch that, he was worried sick. Literally. Dean's been too concerned for his brother, he never even paid attention to his own health.

After the first two trials, Sam had been getting worse. The first trial was hard on the youger hunter, but the second took a huge toll on him. Yes, he said he was fine, but he wasn't and his brother being so motherly toward him didn't help. Sam sighed, laying on his bed, frowning as he heard coughing and sneezing from another room. At first he thought it was Kevin, but then he heard his brother's gruff voice.

"Damn it..." Dean wipped his nose on his sleeve. He knew it was gross, but he didn't care. He felt like shit.

"Dean? You alright?" Sam called out, standing up dizzily.

"Yes, I'm fine. Now back to bed, you need to rest." Dean said roughly.

"Dean, I'm fine. I may look like crap, but you look worse." He said his eyebrows furrowing.

"Sammy, I. Am. Fine. Go back to bed." Said the eldest, clearly being a stubborn little shit.

"Alright, alright..." Sam sighed and went back to bed, too exhausted to argue.

Once Sam was gone, Dean turned around and jumped when he saw Kevin standing there. "Jesus, Kevin! don't- dont do that!" He snapped, then started to cough.

"I would apologize, but based off what I just heard. There's an explanation needed." He said staring at him.

"There is no explanation needed, just go do whatever you do, kid."

"No, not until you tell me whatever is going on!" Kevin stood there, arms crossed.

"Look, whatever you heard or saw. It's none of your damn business!" Dean huffed, and pushed past him heading to his room.

"Stubborn son of a bitch." Kevin murmured and walked back to where the Demon tablet was.

Dean collapsed on his bed and sighed, starring at the blank ceiling in boredom. After a while he sat up and grabbed one of his magazines, smiling to himself. Half way through, he began to notice the throbbing of a headache behind his eyes.

Dean groaned and squeezed his eyes shut for a moment, then tried to get back to his magazine, but ended up tossing it back where it was. The hunter lifted his hand to his face, pinching the bridge of his nose with another groan. 

His head throbbed again, and he got up to see if they had any pain medication left. They ended up having a little left, so he took three tablets and went back to his room laying down on his bed, massaging his temples.

"Holy-" before he could finish his sentence, he coughed and sat up straight. Once he could breathe, Dean took some deep breaths trying to calm himself down. "Woah..." He closed his eyes, exhausted after the fit and drifted asleep.


Before he new it he was being woken up by Kevin. Dean's eyes snapped open and he sat up a bit to quickly. "I'm up!" He coughed, placing a hand to his forehead.

"Dean?" Kevin frowned.

"Kevin?" He looked up, then looked back down with a groan, his headache a lot worse now.

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