Over The Ocean

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Basically a random chapter until I get up to a certain place in season 13 so I can fulfill someone's request.  Also don't mind me not knowing how boats and sailing somewhere works, I tried my best.


For this hunt Sam and Dean needed to cross seas to get to a supposedly haunted little island. Dean's idea because he wanted to avoid flying at all costs, he just didn't want to risk losing his lunch in a cramped metal tube of doom. It wasn't that it was that far out, but many people used a plane to get on to this island.

Sam happily agreed, when they used to go on boats just to relax when John was out hunting. He used to get kind of seasick, but that went away. He hasn't been on a boat in years.

That Sunday morning, sunlight was shining through their Motel windows. Sam already up having had breakfast and a shower. Dean had only just woken up an hour before they had to leave for the boat.

"Rise and shine, sleepy head. How'd ya sleep? Let me guess like a baby?" Sam chuckles, from the bathroom as he brushes his teeth.

"I slept like a hunter, thank you very much." Dean said gruffly, standing up and getting dressed, he grabbed some breakfast. He tied up his shoes as Sam stepped out of the bathroom, and grabs his jacket.

"We need to get going Dean. We have half an hour till the boat leaves the dock." Sam packed his duffle bag and hoisted it over his shoulder.

"We'll be there in five." He says with a smirk. He finished his food, picked up his bag and headed out with Sam at his heels.

They tossed their bags into the trunk of the impala and they drove off to the dock at breakneck speed. Sure enough getting to the dock quickly. Although they were stopped for a speeding ticket.

Dean parked the car onto the boat as he would be needing it to get around on the island. They got out and headed to the top deck. Dean ended up finding a buffet table of snacks and started to engorge himself.

The second the ship left the dock Sam had immediately noticed that something was off. He went to sit down, while Dean continued to grab food, before walking over to Sam. He cringed and looked away as the sight and smell of food sent his stomach churning.

"Gosh not even thirty seconds and you already have food." Sam scoffed a bit under his breath to mask a cough of nausea.

"What? What's wrong with food?" Dean asked with an innocent look.

"Nothing." His brother chuckles, starting to sweat a little from the sheer attempt at keeping his stomach contents at bay.

Dean shrugged not noticing his brother's odd behavior as he finished the snacks he had taken from the food table.

A few hours later Sam had fallen asleep on the uncomfortable bench on the main deck of the boat, hugging his churning stomach. Dean still hadn't realized something was wrong with his little brother, not untill he tried to wake him up since they were starting to get close to their destination. Only another hour or so.

"Sammy." Dean gently shook him after noticing Sam's pale features. The younger Winchester groaned softly and opened his eyes a bit upset that Dean had woken him up, since now he felt a hundred times worse. "We'll be there in just over an hour. You alright?" He asks, as Sam made a move to get up, getting green around the gills, before making a break for the rail on the edge of the boat.

Dean frowned and followed, arriving as Sam gripped the rail till his knuckles turned white and cut into his hands. Dean put a gentle hand on his tall brother's back and rubbed up and down softly, just as he retched harshly and a thick, heavy stream of vomit escaped his mouth and splashed into the water at the base of the boat as it rocked back and forth, side to side making his nauseous feeling worse.

"I'm going to take that as you're just peachy." Dean said apprehensively, which earned him a weak glare. "Sorry, sorry."

Sam coughed and spat, before heaving a bit harshly again vomiting I to the water below once again, his stomach convulsing seconds after making the man puke again.

Dean stayed with his sick brother as he vomited over the rail, continuing to pat his back carefully. "You haven't been seasick in a long time. When was the last time? Weren't you ten?" He questions himself, not expecting a response from his brother.

Sam soon pushed away from the top of the rail and sat down leaning against it as he closed his eyes breathing heavily.

Dean who was too busy talking to himself didn't realize that Sam had sat down, so Sam just coughed and tried to get his attention. "D-Dean." Coughing gently, he tried again. "Dean." His voice was rough as Dean looked down at him. "Sit down." He said sounding exhausted from all the retching and puking he had just done, though he knew it wasn't over just yet.

"Wha- Oh yeah. Yeah, of course." Dean sat down and Sam moved and rested his head on his older brother's shoulder. "How're you feeling Sammy?"

"Like I'm going to puke again." He chuckles light-heartedly, trying to lighten the mood even though he was temporarily ill for the time he was on the boat.

"Well don't puke on me." Dean joined in on the light-hearted banter. "Over the edge if you must." He smiles gently rubbing his shoulder.

"Good idea." Sam said quickly and lays down some on his stomach, throwing up over the edge of the boat under the rail.

Dean shook his head a bit and rubs his back and looks up they were minutes away from their destination.  "Well at least you'll be able to get off this hell hole." He chuckles as Sam goes to lean against him.

"Thank God." He chuckles along, coughing a bit as he wipes his mouth on his flannel sleeve. They sat there for a bit until they dock on the coast, and waited a couple minutes before getting up and heading to the Impala. Sam getting some help from Dean to walk there. Once in the Impala they drove away and Sam fell asleep to hope to avoid getting anymore motion sick. 


They dealt with their case Sam a bit tired, but it was better than him vomiting everywhere. The only issue was the boat ride back home. Dean had of course promised to by some dramamine, but as expected forgot when they were due to head home a few days later; after giving a few days for Sam to recuperate. Dean  had to deal with him vomiting over the rail again for the two-three hour long boat ride.

Heeeeeeeyyyyy!!! 'nother one done! Thank you guys so much for being patient with me, I'm sorry I don't update often I've been having family, mental health and school issues, but I'm working on trying to get these out as soon as possible! Anyway thank you again and carry on my wayward sons.


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2019 ⏰

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