Bad Injuries End in Vomit

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Requested by bbgirl18, I hope this is what you wanted. ^-^


Sam and Dean had found a hunt, finally. After being cooped up for a while, they were getting restless. Especially Dean. He would freak out over something small that had no indication to paranormal happenings what so ever. Sam would as well, but it would only be for a second, then he was back to searching.

This particular time however, Dean had to reread what he had found.

Violent and Disembodied

A husband and wife were found bruttally torn to shreds in their home. Neighbors to Mr. And Mrs. Kent and Clara Hundon, descirbe the sounds of them screaming before silence, and then glass breaking and a deafening shriek from the couple. Jim Kordenol, had walked over to their apartment, when he hadn't seen Kent at work that day, and found the horrible scene.

"What you looking at?" Sam asked, when Dean was half way through the article again.

"Sammy, I found us a hunt!" He said happily.

"Really? You did? Or are you just saying that to get both of our hopes up?"

"No! I'm serious!" Dean scowled. "Look!"

Sam read and frowned, but his face lit up none the less. "I say let's pack up and get going. What do you think it is?"

"Vengeful spirit? I've never heard of anything tearing people apart like that before." He suggested, with a shrug as he got out this seat closing the laptop.

"Maybe." Sam went and got all of their stuff before joining Dean in the impala. The two eagerly head off to the scene of the crime.


They found out it was definitely a vengeful spirit, but this one was stronger than any one they have delt with before. Dean was getting flung around like he was a feather in the wind. Sam was struggling to light, the son of a bitches bones on fire. "Sam! Hurry up!" Dean yelled, stumbling back onto his feet only to be flung back into a glass cabinet full of plates and cups.

Sam doused the bones in gasoline, and was trying to get the lighter to work.

Dean staggered to his feet again, the spirit grabbing him by his throat, he choked, trying to fight back. "Sam!" His voice came out strangled.

Sam lit the bones, and Dean was on the brink of becoming unconscious before the ghost burst into harmless flames and there was no more. Dean collapsed and laid there gasping helplessly as Sam ran back up and over to his brother.

"You alright?" Sam asked, fretting over him as he inspected each and every single injury Dean had recieved.

"Yeah. A ghost just nearly choked me unconscious, I'm swell, kind of aroused actually." Dean rolled his eyes sarcastically. "Let's just head back out."

The younger hunter nodded and carefully helped Dean back onto his feet, where he swayed and collapsed forward weakly and exhaustedly onto Sam. "Guess I'm carrying you then." Sam lifted him with a small grunt from the effort and brought him back to the car. "I'm driving, so give me the keys." Sam told him as he set his brother down into the passenger seat. Dean pulled out his keys and gave it to Sam.

He sat down on the drivers side and started the car, putting the radio on a low volume as he began to drive back to the motel. Dean shifted in his seat, uncomfortably due to his injuries. Blood was dripping down his face and neck, soaking into his shirt so it was sticking to his wounds, his shoulder felt out of place, his ankel was throbbing, he was sure a couple ribs were broken, and he could feel glass stuck in some of the cuts he had received.

The brothers stayed quiet, for pretty much the whole ride, only speaking when Sam asked how he was holding up, and Dean's response being he was fine.

Once they got to the motel, Sam got out and went to help his brother. He opened the door, and Dean slowly began to get out with a little guideance from Sam. "Let's get you cleaned up." Sam spoke quietly and walked with Dean into the room.

Dean immediately sat on the bed, and Sam grabbed their first aid kit and some alcohol. He grabbed a chair and sat in front of Dean.

The first thing he did was give Dean some pain medication, then he reset his shoulder, with a gasp of pain from the oldest. Then he got to work on fixing all of the big cuts on his brother. As he peeled away the drying blood soaked t-shirt from the largest wound, Dean screamed in pain. "It'll be okay Dean." Sam assure softly.

Dean bit his lip to prevent himself from screaming again. He felt his t-shirt be pulled off of every single wound, and closed his eyes as it was pulled off over his head revealing a large gash in his side and multiple medium sized cuts and scrapes along his chest and arms, a bruise already forming where Dean had definitely broken a few ribs.

He kept his eyes closed as Sam told him to lay on the side opposite of the large gash, so he did and then felt alcohol be poured onto it to disinfect the wound. He tried not to cry out, but he couldn't handle the pain. As he did so, his stomach churned viciously, and he gagged a little.

Sam stopped for a second. "You alright, Dean?" He asked, worriedly. Dean nodded, refusing to speak. Sam continued to disinfect the site.

Dean gagged again at the pain, he felt bile slowly rising up his throat. "Sam!" He panicked, beginning to cough before vomiting onto the floor, causing Sam to jump and rush off to get a bucket. Dean continued to vomit helplessly onto the floor. The pain had become to unbearable, his head throbbed and he heaved up more puke onto the carpeted floors. Sam made it back for the fourth round to make it's way up Dean's throat.

"Damn... This hasn't happened in years." Sam frowned, feeling concerned.

The oldest nodded and spat into the bucket held by his brother. "Guess, I couldn't handle the pain of getting whiskey poured onto my open cuts." He spoke hoarsely.

"You want me to keep going or wait for now?" Sam asked.

"Keep going." Dean nodded in approval, making sure the bucket was in a good place, if it was needed again.

Sam sighed and got back to work, this time stitching the wound back up. "Hopefully this will be a little less painful." He mumbled, he stuck the needle into the skin and began to stitch it back together.

Dean cried and gasped in pain, gagging again. He struggled not to throw up again, but he just couldn't bare it and vomited into the bucket. Sam stopped for a second, feeling bad about it. He proceeded though as it'd be better if he got it over with as fast as possible.

Sam took just over an hour to get his brother cleaned up. Wrapping his wounds in gauze and wrapping a tenser bandage around Dean's ankel, to keep it from moving as much as possible, as he may have sprained it.

"Alright, you okay Dean?" The younger Winchester questioned, gently rubbing his back.

Dean groaned slowly rolling onto his back, wincing as his newly stiched cuts stung when he moved. "I should be okay... I just need to sleep now. And maybe more pain meds.... I threw them up before they could set in." He breathed heavily.

"Hmm. Okay." Sam got up and tossed Dean the pain-killers and some water. The hunter injested the medication, before laying back down and drifting to sleep. He just hoped this wouldn't ever happen again.

"Night Dean." Sam whispered.

Well that's the end! I hope you enjoyed it! Sorry for taking so long to update, I'm just stressed out. Anywho, carry on my wayward sons!


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