Lesson 1: to be, am,is,are,etc.

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이에요[i-e-yo] /여요[ye-yo] =to be ,

Final consonant +이에요[i-e-yo]

No final consonant
+ 여요[ye-yo]
(only vowel)


1. 물[mul]+이에요[i-e-yo]=물이에요.
[mul-i-e-yo] = (It's) water.

2. 가방[ga-bang]+이에요[i-e-yo]=가방이에요.
[ga-bang-i-e-yo.]=(It's) a bag.

3. 사무실[sa-mu-sil]+이에요=사무실이에요.
[sa-mu-sil-i-e-yo.]=(It's) an office.

4. 학교[hak-gyo]+여요[ye-yo]=학교여요.
[hak-gyo-ye-yo]=(It's) a school.

5. 저[jeo]+여요[ye-yo]=저여요.
[jeo-ye-yo]=(It's) me.

6. 뭐[mwo]+여요=뭐여요?
[mwo-ye-yo?]=What's that? / What is it?

*** ***

이거 = this, this one
이거 ««--»» 이것

1. 이거 책이에요. =This is a book.
2. 이거 커메라예요. = This is a camera.
3. 이거 커피예요.= This is coffee.
4. 이거 사전이에요.= This is a dictionary.
5. 이거 뭐예요? = What's this?
6. 이거 핸드폰이에요. = This is a cellphone.

^^ ~
N +이에요. = polite.
N +이야 / 야 = Informal/ casual
N +입니다 = formal

Jun 25, 2018

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