How to pronounce? (part 2)

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Some consonants don't make their sounds when they are in the final consonants.
eg. ㅅ [s] , when put in final,it becomes a [t] sound like 옷 [ ot].

넋 - ㄱㅅ
닭 - ㄹㄱ
삶 - ㄹㅁ
덟 - ㄹㅂ

how to pronounce...?..
Usually these 겹받침 are followed by 'ㅇ' 자음 words. (first consonanys: lettet 'ㅇ' word)

넋을 (eul) comes after,
Then, ㅅ gets moved over to the 을. So, the pronuciation for 을 becomes 슬 (seul). »» so, 넋을 = [ neok-seul] = neck.

앉 - ㄴㅈ »» 앉아 = [an-ja]
닭 - ㄹㄱ »» 닭 = [dak]
삶 - ㄹㅁ »» [ sa lm] »» 삼[sam] = life
덟 - ㄹㅂ »» [deolb] , put it with 여[yeo] »» 여덟 = 8/ eight »» 여덜[yeo-deol].

Are you confused reading this?
이것을/ 이것
When certain korean words are combined, their sounds can change in unexpected ways. In the beginning, knowing these sound changes might not be as beneficial. However, you will evenually learn some words with spellings that might confuse you as their pronounciation.

T-stops :: When certain characters are used as a 받침 , they are converted to t-sound.
The T-stop characters are ㅅ, ㅈ, ㅊ, ㅎ. ㄷ and ㅌ are also *t* sounds but , since they are normally T sounding so they are left out of the examples.
Examlpes with T-stop,
1. 이것 »» (이걷) [pronounce like i-geot] = this one
2. 늦게 »» (늗게) [ pronounce like neut-ge]= late
3. 몇게 »» (멷게) [pronounce like myeot-ge]= how many
4. 좋다 »» (조타) [pronounce like jo-ta]=good
When any T-stop consonant is followed by o (이응) , then T-stop is cancelled.
것이 »» geo-si
받아 »» ba-da
늦어 »» neu-jeo
꽃이 »» kko-chi

ㅅ followed by ㅎ,
When ㅅ is followed by a ㅎ in the next korean character, the sound moves to the ㅎ position and is pronounced as ㅌ.
못하다 [mothada] »» 모타다 [motada]
못해요 [mothaeyo] »» 모태요 [motaeyo]

* S to SH sound with ㅅ
When ㅅ is combined with ㅣ, ㅑ, ㅕ,ㅛ, ㅛ, the S changes to the SH-sound.
시 - shi
쇼 - shyo
셔 -sheo
샤 - shya
슈 - shyu

The sound remains as S when combined with ㅏ, ㅓ, ㅜ, ㅗ, ㅡ,ㅐ, ㅔ.
사 - sa
서 - seo
수 - su
소 - so
스 - seu

* L and R sound for ㄹ (리을)
When there are two ㄹ back to back, the sound is always L.
빨라 » ppalla
멀론 »» mellon
몰라 »» molla

When ㄹ is at the end of a word, it always is a L-sound.
한글 »»hangeul
과일 »»gwail
이발 »»ibal

When ㄹ is at the beginning of a word, it's an R-sound.
라면 »»ramyeon
레벨 »»rebel

* ㄹ (리을) and ㄴ (느을) combination
When a ㄹ is followed by a ㄴ or ㄴ is followed by ㄹ, the combined sound changes to a double L-sound.

May 18, 2018

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