Lesson 5: Do you have? Is there? Give me please? etc

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Do u have? / Is there..? / Give me please.. / etc..

있어요[i-sseo-yo] /없어요[eop-sseo-yo]

사과 있어요. = I have an apple.
오레지 있어요. = I have an orange.
사과 없어요. = I dun have an apple.
오레지 없어요. = I dun have an orange.


사과 있어요? = Do u have an apple?
사과 없어요? = Don't u have an apple?


»» Please give me.. / I would like to have.. please..««

주세요[ju-se-yo] = please give me

=comes from the verb 주다[ju-da].


1. 사과 있어요? = Do u have an apple?
네. 사과있어요. = yes, I have apple.
사과 주세요. = give me (some).

2. 우유 있어요?=Do you have milk?
  네. 우유있어요.= Yes. I have milk.
  우유주세요.= give me milk please.

3. 아이스크람 주세요.= give me ice-cream please.

4. 김치 주세요.= give me kim-chi please.

Jun 26, 2018

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