Lesson 11 : Negative Sentence

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Lesson 15- Negative Sentence

There are mainly two ways to do this.
1. Adding 안 [an] before a verb.
2. Using the negative verb ending, 지않다 [ji-an-da].



1. 가다[ga-da]=to go
집에가요.[jib-e ga-yo.]=I go home./I'm going to go.
»» 집에 안가요.[jib-e an-ga-yo.]=I'm not going home./I don't go home.
집에 안가요?=You're not going home?/ You dun go home?

2. 버리다[beo-ri-da]=to throw away
그거 버렸어요.[geu-geo beo-ryeo-sseo-yo.]=I threw it away.
»» 그거 안버렸어요.[geu-geo an-beo-ryeo-sseo-yo.]=I didn't throw it away.
그거 아직 안버렸어요.=I didn't throw it away yet.



~ 지않다[ji-an-da] is the basic form and you need to conjugate it according to the tense, too. ~

Present tense : 지않아요.[ji-a-na-yo.]
Past tense : 지않았어요.[ji-a-na-sseo-yo.]

1. 가다[ga-da]= to go
» 가지않다[ga-ji-an-da]=to not go
가지않아요.[ga-ji-a-na-yo]=I don't go./You don't go. ( present tense)
가지않았어요.[ga-ji-a-na-sseo-yo.]=I didn't go./ You didn't go./ They didn't go. (past tense)

2. 버리다[beo-ri-da]=to throw away
» 버리지않다[beo-ri-ji-an-da]=to not throw away
버리지않아요.[beo-ri-ji-a-na-yo]=I don't throw it away. (present tense)
버리지않았어요.[beo-ri-ji-a-na-sseo-yo]=I didn't throw it away.

Nov 19, 2018

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2020 ⏰

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