Lesson 9 : Past Tense

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Lesson 9 : Past Tense

    Past tense
았어요 [a-sseo-yo]
었어요 [eo-sseo-yo]
였어요 [yeo-sseo-yo]

Verb stems ending with vowels : ㅗ[o] or ㅏ[a] are followed by 았어요 [a-sseo-yo].
Verb stems ending with vowels other than ㅗ or ㅏ are followed by 었어요 [eo-sseo-yo].
Verb stem 하 is followed by 였어요 [yeo-sseo-yo].


1. 사다 [sa-da] = to buy
    Verb term = 사 [sa]
»» ㅅㅏ +았어요=[sa+a-sseo-yo] = 샀어요 [sa-sseo-yo].
(I bought.. You bought..They bought..)

2. 오다[o-da]=to come
    Verb stem = 오[o]
»» 오+ 았어요=[o+a-sseo-yo]=왔어요[wa-sseo-yo].
     (I came.. You came.. They came..)

3. 적다[jeok-da]=to write down
    Verb stem=적[jeok]
»» 적+었어요=[jeok+eo-sseo-yo]=적었어요[jeo-geo-sseo-yo]
(I wrote.. You wrote..)

4. 하다[ha-da]=to do
  Verb stem=하[ha]
»» 하+였어요=[ha-yeo-sseo-yo]=했어요[hae-sseo-yo]
(I did.. You did.. )

Jun 26, 2018

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