Chapter IV

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Music: Stage 8C arrangement from Gradius Galaxies

"I'm just saying, the wall could be a good solution. If they're illegal, they're illegal, and something needs to be done about it." It's another one of those days at the clubhouse: We start babbling about various nonsense, and then one thing leads to another and we end up in a controversial subject. In this case, it's politics, and more specifically, our opinions on Donald Trump as a candidate for US President.

"Heath, I've got two syllables for you: Boring," is Sam's reply to my statement.

"Shut up," I sigh.

"I'm just saying. Barely anybody here cares about politics."

"I find it interesting," Skylar says, shrugging. I silently thank her for her support. "Besides, I think Heath has a point."

"You freaking Republicans," Luke growls.

"Can we not talk about politics right now? Frankly, I don't want things to get bloody right now, and if we keep going at this, it's going to come to that," Mia complains.

"Thank you for agreeing with me here, Mia," Sam sighs. Then, in a much quieter voice, he adds, "I'm glad someone does."

"Alright. Mackenzie, you're new to this. Do you have a say on the matter?" Luke asks Mackenzie. She's the only one who's remained silent throughout the whole discussion. And in fact... she's been pretty much solemn for the past half hour that we've been here. She just keeps her head lowered, murmuring incomprehensible gibberish to herself and fiddling with the fabric of her clothing. It's as if something's bothering her.

When Mackenzie doesn't respond to me immediately, Sean asks, "Um, Mackenzie?"

Now Mackenzie replies, and she seems a bit taken by surprise. She lurches backward and begins shaking her head a few times. She then begins sinking back into reality, now focused on the rest of us, who are now staring at her with concern.

"Uh... you okay, Mackenzie? You seemed pretty out of it there," Elle asks.

"Yeah... I'm fine... just got a lot on my mind, that's all," Mackenzie replies, reverting back to looking down and playing with her shirt. Not even her voice sounds convincing. But before any of us can push further, she asks, "Hey, did Avery say when she was gonna arrive?" Avery is currently the only one not present. She wasn't home when Sam flew by to pick her up (he uses the hovercraft to pick each of us up from our houses whenever we want to head to the clubhouse, since it's such a pain to work with our parents to drive us there almost every day).

"She texted me a few minutes ago saying she was on her way," Sam replies.

Almost as if by cue, that's when there's a rapid knocking at the door.


Music: ROUND5 from Dragon Saber

Usually, when one of us knocks on the front door, we do it three to four times on average, and typically the knocking is done at a somewhat moderate pace. This knocking, however, is much more rapid than the usual, and Avery must've pounded on the door at least eight times. So either something's really wrong, or she's super excited about something.

"Welp, speaking of which," Sam mutters, getting up to open the door. As he does so, the second of my two suspicions is confirmed. Avery's slightly bouncing up and down in excitement, with a huge smile on her face.

"Well gee, someone looks pumped about something," I nod.

"Guys, I've got great news for you," Avery tells us, walking inside as Sam shuts the door behind her. The smile never leaves her face. Without waiting for a response from any of us, she starts explaining. "So, I haven't told you guys this yet, but my dance team's been invited to not one, but TWO national competitions taking place this weekend!"

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