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Music: ROUND6 from Dragon Saber

We spent the first part of our flight to Canada familiarizing Brielle with each of us and explaining the situation to her. She seems to somewhat get it.

"So, do you guys do this often, or..." she asks.

"Once in a blue moon, I'd say," Sam replies.

Brielle nods slowly, although it doesn't seem like she's processing this information correctly. "Okay... so how many more places are you targeting?"

"We've just got Canada and somewhere back in the US, and then after that, I'm not sure what's left, if anything," I answer, pulling up the map on the hovercraft's monitor. While doing so, I receive a notification for an incoming video call from Dr. Scientist. I tap it within a second.

"Perfect timing. We're on our way to the second-to-last location on the map," I tell Dr. Scientist.

He nods approvingly. "Fantastic! I'm seeing a lot of reports of girls returning home safely, which seems like a good sign to me."

Hearing that makes me feel proud of what we've managed to accomplish so far. "Yeah. We actually just managed to get Brielle with us. She's kinda coming along with us for the rest of the mission," I say, moving to the side so Dr. Scientist can see Brielle.

"Brielle, this is Dr. Scientist. He's an old friend of ours from a year ago," Shanna explains. "Dr. Scientist, this is Avery's sister, Brielle."

"Nice to meet you, Brielle!" Dr. Scientist says, giving Brielle a polite smile and a salute. Brielle just awkwardly smiles and waves in return.

A few minutes later, the temperature makes a dramatic change. I take a look at the temperature reading on the hovercraft and it says 21o Fahrenheit. "Bundle up, everybody. We've got weather to deal with here."

"I picked a bad day to not wear my jacket to school..." Brielle says sheepishly. Avery then offers Brielle her sweater.

When we land (apparently in Yellowknife, Canada), it's pretty clear that we're in the aftermath of a snow storm (even though it's August). Snow isn't constantly blowing around, but there's still an incredibly cold breeze and about an inch or two of snow still covering the ground. The area is pretty much dormant: No sign of life or civilization in close proximity.

"This is the perfect place for these guys to have a secret base or factory around here somewhere," Sam says to himself, looking around. "I say we split up again."

"Split up? Oh, no, no, no," Brielle says. One stern look from Avery allows her to cave in.

Nobody even has to say anything to establish the groups. Mia, Mackenzie, Sean, and Shanna walk one way, and the rest of us (and the hovercraft) go the other. Sam and Mia have their phones turned on and in a call with each other so we know if the other side is in eminent danger.

While walking, Elle asks Brielle, "So, what was it like being held captive?"

Brielle shrugs. "Aside from being stuck with a bunch of clowns, not too bad, actually. At least, compared to some of the other girls I saw in the dungeon."

"Dungeon!?" Skylar exclaims, taken aback.

"Yeah. It's pretty awful down there. Most of the other girls were either starved or badly abused. I was spared, thankfully." She pauses for a moment as if recalling something. "Oh, by the way: Avery, I saw a few girls wearing dance outfits down there for a little bit. You never told me there were kidnappings at the competitions you went to."

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