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Music: Name Entry from Gradius Gaiden

An entire semester of school has passed since our ordeal with the trafficking center. For the most part, things have pretty much returned to the way they were. We've reverted back to just living our lives as everyday teenagers, going through the hell known as school and all.

However, some minor things have changed.

After grabbing my stuff from my locker, I run upstairs to the front doors and wait for Mackenzie, just like I normally do. Except when she passes by me, she just keeps walking through the hallway and toward the gymnasium.

"Hey! Where're you going?" I ask, running after Mackenzie (and through a horde of people).

"I've got cheer practice now, remember? God, it's been a week already," Mackenzie laughs.

"Right... I'll never get used to saying that my sister's now a cheerleader," I mumble, letting out a heartless chuckle.

"You'll catch on eventually," Mackenzie smiles. She then adds, "Say, don't you think it's crazy how our crazy misadventures always seem to have a happy ending?"

"I guess we just keep getting lucky," I shrug.

"Luck is probably an understatement," Mackenzie laughs. Then she grabs both of my arms decides to change the subject. "Mia, I just want you to know this: I don't care who gave birth to me or who raised me. This is where I belong." She raises her arms up and glances around the hallway's walls. "This is my home, and you guys are my family."

This isn't the first time Mackenzie has said something along the lines of this to me, but it still brings a huge smile to my face every time. I haven't had a sibling like this in... well, years.

"Thanks," I respond, pulling Mackenzie into a short but sweet bear hug.

When we release each other, Mackenzie starts walking away, saying, "I need to go now."

"Go get 'em, sis," I call out to her.

Mackenzie doesn't respond verbally to this, but instead grins. From there, all I can see is the back of her head as she runs to the gym.

"Ending" music: Farewell from Gradius ReBirth


Hell yeah

(MC wrote the "The End" portion)

There you have it. Our longest story ever is now officially done. Man, what a feat.

Thoughts and Comments are gonna be done in video form this time around. When that will happen is a whole other story...

Until next time, folks.


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