Chapter 1

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You sighed as you flopped into the office chair at your desk. It was just another lonely day. Your parents were almost never home, they expected you to take care of yourself while they were out. It was true, you could, but you didn't have any friends or any family to keep you company.

You turned on your computer and it opened to your desktop. You stared at your wallpaper. It was a picture of your four favorite vocaloids. Oliver, Piko, V4-Flower, and Fukase. You smiled. Sometimes it seemed that your interests, anime and vocaloid, were your only friends.

You surfed the internet for a while, watched a couple of episodes of the anime you'd been watching lately, listened to a couple vocaloid songs, toyed around with your own vocaloid voicebanks. You had every one of your four favorites except one, Fukase. You'd been saving up to buy him for a while, but you still didn't have enough money.

You clicked around several websites to see how much Fukase cost again, when suddenly you came to a website claiming you could download him for free. You were puzzled. Was this really true, or was it just a troll? It may even be a virus. But hey, there was only one way to find out. You clicked the download button.

After several minutes of waiting for the voicebank to download, you could finally unzip the folder and test him out. You were so excited, you would finally have all of your favorites! However, when you went to unzip the voicebank, it wasn't in the place that you'd put it. In fact, it wasn't in any of your folders. "I'm sure I downloaded it properly..." you said quietly to yourself. You sighed. It really was just a troll, there was no such thing as a "free voicebank download".

You checked your watch, it was nearly 10:30PM. You turned off your computer and crawled into bed. Whatever, you thought. It doesn't matter. I'll just keep saving until I can buy Fukase for real. And with that, you fell asleep, unbeknownst of what you'd really downloaded.


Lol I just couldn't keep this idea in the back of my mind any longer, I had to get the first chapter out ASAP

Anywho, I hope you enjoy this for all you Fukase lovers out there. :))))

Marble Soda (Vocaloid Fukase + Reader)Where stories live. Discover now