Chapter 9 -Final

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It was a morning of mixed feelings.

You were very sad to see Fukase go, but happy he could finally go home.

As a souvenir, you gave Fukase an entire box of marble sodas, and he took some coffee with him to try on Flower.

"I had a lot of fun, Y/N." Fukase said as you both stood in your bedroom. "That darn Flower, none of this would have happened if she had left my download link alone!"

You smiled and ruffled his hair. "But you know you loooooooove her anyway," you said through a smirk. Fukase blushed and scowled at you, but otherwise said nothing.

You walked over to your computer and turned it on. You went to your files and saw that the so-called Fukase voicebank had finally appeared in its place. And sure enough, when you rolled over it, there was a choice to uninstall.

You hated to see that button, it meant you would lose the closest friend you've really ever had. You started to tear up a bit, and before you knew it, you were full-on crying.

"Woah woah woah, hey, Y/N, it's okay! I'm not that important," Fukase said as he rushed over to you and gave you a hug, his voice full of concern.

"To me you are!" You sobbed. "You're the closest friend I've ever had up to this point!"

Fukase thought about this for a while.

"Hey, you know what," he started softly. "What if I put my link out again, y'know, only every so often, then we can still see each other every once in a while!"

You looked up and wiped your eyes. "Really? That's possible?"

"Of course it is!" Fukase said, suddenly smiling. "If it can happen once, it can most definitely happen again!"

With this, you were satisfied. You gave Fukase a long hug, before he finally pulled away. You ruffled his hair one last time. He walked over to the computer and pressed uninstall on his file. You watched as he stood in front of you, waving goodbye as he slowly faded into pixels and code.

"Bye, Fukase."

"Goodbye, Y/N. See you sometime soon, hopefully."

And with that, he was gone.

Suddenly, everything felt so silent, so lonely.

That is, until you heard your parents burst through the front door.

"Y/N, we're home!" Your dad called. You ran downstairs to meet them and gave them both a big hug.

"We missed you, sweetie," Your mum said as she hugged you back. "From now on, we promise to spend more time with you."

"Hey," your dad spoke as he opened the fridge. "What's the sudden affinity with marble soda?"

You shrugged your shoulders. "Oh, I dunno, I just really like it I guess. It was something cool to drink when it got hot inside the house."

"Yeah, you must have stayed cooped up, bored, inside the house all week, poor thing," your mum sighed sympathetically, coming over to stand next to you.

You smiled. "Yeah," you said. "Cooped up in the house, bored, all week long."

The End




Yes, this was another short chapter, but there really isn't much to say other than "Okay Fukase left and your parents came home the end."

Now, while this story WAS fun to write, it was not my pride and joy, and there are errors ALL throughout as this is fairly unedited. 

I really liked this song and thought it would be a fun ending, as well as the picture. :)

I hope you enjoyed reading Marble Soda as much as I enjoyed writing it. :)

Have a wonderful day/week/month/year my lovely peoples, and I'll see you next chapter, whenever/wherever that may be!~


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