Chapter 7

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It was currently 7:00 P.M.

You had just finished cleaning up the kitchen from dinner and putting the last dishes away when Fukase walked in carrying a teetering stack of DVDs. Before you could ask what the heck was going on, Fukase grinned widely.

"You. Me. Movie marathon. Grab all the snacks you can carry and meet me in your bedroom." He then slowly turned around and started climbing the stairs, dropping a few movies on the way. You shook your head and smiled. It was Thursday night, and Fukase would be leaving Saturday morning. So far, you had succeeded in spending as much time with your favorite VOCALOID as possible.

You carefully made your way up the stairs. Carrying a bottle of soda, a bag of chips, and several candy bars in one hand, and a bowl of popcorn in the other. Fukase was already snuggled up in the covers of your bed and was fumbling with the remote. You carefully set down all the food you brought, Fukase's eyes widening in awe. You quickly stepped into your closet to change into your PJs. When you came back out Fukase had finally succeeded in starting the movie.

"What're we watching?" You asked, eyes on the TV as you climbed into bed.

"Oh, its F/M," Fukase responded. "I really like it."

You smiled. "That's my favorite movie!" Fukase grinned when you said this, happy to have found yet another thing you both had in common.

As you watched the movie, which the both of you had watched many a time before, you spoke up. "Fukase, you know tomorrow's your last day, right?"

Fukase was silent for a bit, letting the realization sink in. He sighed. "I kinda was trying not to remember that," he said.

"But you get to go back home! To Oliver, Piko and Flower," you protested, even though you didn't want him to leave either.

"Yeah, but I don't like the feeling of leaving you alone."

"Aw, that's okay, my parents will be home only a couple hours after you leave. I know how to take care of myself, don't worry."

"I know that, but...We've become such good friends and I don't wanna leave..."

You moved closer and instinctively put a reassuring arm around the redhead. "We have the rest of tonight and the entirety of tomorrow to spend together. Let's make it count."

Fukase smiled again. "You're right," he said. "We shouldn't waste our time dwelling on what little we have left, we should focus on how to spend what we've got."

You both laughed and turned your attention back to the movie.

The rest of the night was filled with hyperactivity, movies, movies, and more movies, pillow fights, and just plain fun.

All you had was one more day, and you would spend it wisely.


I'm sorry :') This is so long overdue hehehehhe...

I know this is so short but I need to finish this up before the 29th.

Next chapter will be longer 'cuz it's the last day.

And the chapter after that'll be the end.

I hope you've been enjoying this story. See you next chapter my lovely peoples!~

Marble Soda (Vocaloid Fukase + Reader)Where stories live. Discover now