Chapter 3

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Your city was huge. It had all sorts of things, from tiny coffee shops to a giant amusement park.

First of all, however, Fukase needed some new clothes. As you dragged him to the mall, people stared confused at his bright red hair and abstract white and red outfit.

Lucky for him, you knew exactly which stores to go to. The moment you stepped into your favorite clothing store, you started bombarding Fukase with things to try on. "Y/N," Fukase groaned under a mountain of t-shirts and jeans. "Why do I have to try all of this oonnn??"

"Because you look like a cosplay character who lost his convention," you said matter-of-factly and proceeded to shove Fukase into a changing room.

A few minutes later, Fukase came out of the dressing room wearing a black t-shirt and ripped jeans.

"No," you immediately said. Fukase sighed and went back into the changing room.

*few minutes later*




*another few minutes later*


"Are you serious?"


"Y'know what," Fukase said, clearly annoyed. "I'll just do this." He went back into the changing room once more and came back out in his original outfit. Then, he took off his white jacket, hat, and dropped the cane at his side. Now he stood in his cream-colored shirt, short red skirt, and brown pants. You threw him a pair of tennis shoes to replace the ones he had on but otherwise agreed with the outfit. Fukase rolled his eyes. "Finally," he exhaled.

After leaving the mall, you guys decided to head over to the amusement park.

"OH. MY. GOSH," Fukase grabbed your arm and pointed. "Y/N LOOK AT THAT! WE HAVE TO RIDE IT," you could practically feel his excitement at the sight of the roller coaster as you entered the park. In all honesty, you HATED roller coasters and especially vowed never to set foot on that particular one. You gulped and glanced back at Fukase, who was still grabbing your arm and staring at the ride in awe.

"O-Okay," you said, and went to pay for the tickets. You had been here before many times and knew there were plenty of other rides that weren't nearly as terrifying, but you didn't resist as Fukase dragged you toward the coaster. Let's just get this over with, you thought to yourself.

After waiting in the line for ten years, you and Fukase were finally strapped into the coaster, waiting for the ride to start. Fukase glanced over at you, noticing your anxious face. "Hey are you okay, Y/N?" he asked.

"Yessssssss," you lied.

"Okay..." Fukase said, a concerned look still on his face as he turned his attention away again.

Then the ride lurched forward and you closed your eyes and started screaming.

Fukase was laughing as the ride came to a stop, while you had tears in your eyes. You stepped out of the roller coaster, shaking all over. Fukase noticed this and gave you a hug. "I'm guessing you don't like roller coasters?" He said. You shook your head. Fukase laughed again. "I'm sorry, but there's gotta be something other than roller coasters here to enjoy." You smiled as you thought of your favorite ride.

"Yeah, follow me!"

It was nearing the end of the day when you two finally came out of the amusement park. Your stomach growled, and you realized you hadn't eaten breakfast or lunch. "Hey Y/N," Fukase spoke up. "My stomach feels weird."

"Oh, you're probably just hungry, let's look around for a place to eat." You said, waving your hand to dismiss the topic.

"But I've never been hungry before. I've never taken a bite of food in my life." Fukase said, puzzled.

Your eyes widened in shock. "WHAT," you shouted. "YOU'VE NEVER EXPERIENCED THE PURE LOVE AND DELICIOUSNESS OF FOOD???" You nearly fainted on the spot.

"Have you forgotten that I came from a computer? We're just codes, we don't need to eat or sleep or anything. But I guess now I do. Screw you, Flower," Fukase muttered the last part under his breath.

"Well look, there's a soup and sandwich spot over there okay, I'm not letting you miss out on this opportunity to eat food," And with that, you marched yourselves over to the restaurant.

Since Fukase had no idea what to order, you ordered you both a turkey and cheese sandwich and a bowl of broccoli and cheese soup. When your food came, you dug right in, but Fukase looked skeptical.

"Come on, just try it. If you don't eat you won't function properly anyway," you coaxed. Fukase picked up the sandwich and slowly but surely took a bite. He chewed, then swallowed. He smiled, and your face lit up. "See, I told you," you laughed.

"I guess you were right," Fukase chuckled, taking another bite of the sandwhich. "I HAVE NOW EXPERIENCED THE PURE LOVE AND DELICIOUSNESS OF FOOD!" You both burst out laughing, ignoring the weird stares from the other customers.

When you got home, you were both exhausted. You threw Fukase an oversized red t-shirt to use as pajamas and you changed into your f/c ones. You came out of your closet to find Fukase already passed out on your bed, arms flat out on the bed and snoring. You giggled and moved his arm to flop onto the bed next to him. You fell asleep just as quickly, and probably snored just as loudly, but just before you closed your eyes you agreed on one thought.

Today had been a wonderful day.


Hey what's up y'all I am currently enjoying my last weekday of spring break :')

Sorry this chapter was much longer but I had a lot of story to tell.

See ya next chapter folks!

Marble Soda (Vocaloid Fukase + Reader)Where stories live. Discover now