Chapter 5

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The next day you had to literally drag Fukase out of the house to prevent him from playing Fortnite all day. "Y/N, THAT HURTS!" He whined as you dragged him by the ear out the door. "I HAVE TO GET MORE KILLS THAN YOU, I HAVE TO!"

"Too bad, you're coming with me!" You shouted when you were finally out of the house. You had beaten him yesterday over and over-the result of being alone with nothing to do so many times- and he would not stop playing until you told him to go to bed.

"Just face it, you can't beat me, Fukase," you sighed. You decided to go to the park and spend the day there. Fukase said nothing, simply crossed his arms and pouted like the child he was.

Fortunately, when you reached the park, Fukase's mood brightened right up when he saw the playground. He ran right over to the swings and started pumping his legs. You watched as he went higher and higher. "I bet you I can swing higher!" You called to him. He smirked at you in reply. Oh you're about to get beaten a second time, you thought and ran over to the empty swing next to him.

The both of you probably had the longest and most epic swing battle in history.

But then you had to stop hogging the swings and go find something else to do because the tiny children started crying. Oops.

"I'm thirsty," you said as you both got off the swings.

"Ooh look, an ice cream cart," Fukase pointed to where a man was busy scooping ice cream into cones and handing them to the children. "I feel like I need to try that," Fukase said thoughtfully.

"Oh believe me, you do," you said and pulled him over the the stand.

You ordered two chocolate and vanilla swirl cones and two marble sodas before walking over to a bench to eat. Fukase scarfed down his cone immediately after taking the first bite. "Woah calm down there, you're gonna get a stomachache," you said, mildly disturbed as you slowly licked your ice cream. Fukase shrugged and smiled. He looked puzzled at the marble soda. "I know what it is, but is it any good?" He watched as you used the given opener to press down on the cap. A few moments later you heard the sound of a marble plunking to the bottom of the bottle.

Fukase did the same with his bottle and took a hesitant sip.

A minute later his bottle was empty.


"B-But it was good..."

You shook your head, bewildered. "Fine, but don't complain to me when you get a severe stomachache."

"In the meantime, let's take a walk," Fukase slid off the bench and headed to the track that circled the entire park. The track on its own covered two and a half miles so it would definitely take you until the end of the day.

Fukase was silent for a while, so you decided to speak up.

"Hey, Fukase, what's it like living inside a computer?"

Fukase smiled. "It's fun. A lot of new Vocaloids and UTAUs were created and we got to welcome them all. I remember when I was created."

"Really?" you asked, intrigued. "What was it like?"

"Well, I wasn't very popular at first, but then I met Flower. She made me feel loved and appreciated. Flower, Oliver, and I have a lot of fun."

"You always talk about Flower like she's the meanest person ever, though," you said, puzzled.

Fukase chuckled a bit. "Yeah, but that's only because she's my best friend. We do that kinda stuff to each other all the time."

"You sound like really good friends."

Fukase blushed, and you noticed. "Y-Yeah. I don't know what I would do without her."

"Sounds like someone has a crush," you poked fun at Fukase in a sing-song voice and began to run away from him.

"I DO NOT-HEY GET BACK HERE!" Fukase yelled, his blush deepening as he ran after you.

~Your first timeskip brought to you by VFlower~

You both sat, breathless, on the couch in your living room. Fukase had chased you all the way back to your house, and it was now early evening. "," you said in between large gulps of air. "What...ever," Fukase replied.

"You wanna play Fortnite???" You asked jokingly after you both had caught your breath.

"Are you kidding? I never wanna play that game again," Fukase pouted.

"Pfft, you're just jealous you'll never get more kills than mee~," you laughed and playfully side-hugged him.

Fukase scowled, but a hint of a smile tugged at the corners of his lips. You both couldn't hold it in anymore and burst into laughter for no particular reason at all.

You realized that you and Fukase were becoming closer friends everyday as you continued to laugh until your sides hurt.



My school starts again tomorrow so I may only be able to update this book every 2-3 days or so, but I promise you I won't abandon it :P

See you lovely peoples next chapter!

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