Chapter 8

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You woke up really early to find Fukase whacking you over the head multiple times with a pillow in attempts to wake you up. You squinted and tried to block your face with your arms. "Fukase wha-what are you-why???"

"IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY WAKE UP!" Fukase yelled, something you knew he was very good at.

You sat bolt upright and Fukase fell backwards. "WHAT?" You yelled back. Could you have completely forgotten your own birthday? You looked over to the calendar hanging on the wall beside your bed and saw the day's date circled in bright red. Sure enough, it was your birthday.

"OH CRAP YOU'RE RIGHT," you yelled again at Fukase. He sat up.

"Yeah I just woke up and noticed the date labeled on your calendar," he said. "So, since it's your birthday, what do you wanna do? It's our last together, after all."

You thought for a moment, there honestly wasn't a whole lot you wanted to do.

Suddenly, Fukase's face lit up. "I know!" he said excitedly. "Why don't we throw you a birthday party!"

Your brow furrowed in confusion. "A party, with only you and me?"

Still grinning, Fukase replied, "Sure, it could be fun!"

You shrugged your shoulders and decided to just go with it. "Okay!"


You and Fukase were now at the supermarket in the party isle, shopping for decorations.

Fukase stood in front of one of the displays and looked at it thoughtfully. "What theme are you wanting to go for?"

"Hmm..." you surveyed the different choices. The store had pretty much everything in one isle. From multicolored balloons to plates with an array of patterns. Your eyes drifted to several items until you had picked what you wanted.

"This," you spoke up, walking over to the plates and picking out a pack of f/c ones with a soothing floral pattern. Nothing too girly but also not too boring. You then picked a f/c tablecloth that matched the plates and a floral centerpiece to go with. Finally, you chose some streamers that twisted and turned and spiraled in all different directions, and an assortment of different balloons.

You walked back over to Fukase with your arms full and your smile wide. Fukase eyed you up and down. "That's a lot of stuff you got there," but grinned again as well.

~Timeskippy againnn~

Now that the both of you were back home, it was time to start baking the cake. You had decided on a f/fl( favorite flavor) cake with red and white frosting, courtesy of Fukase.

"Okay Fuka, now you have to measure the sugar into this cup and then pour it into the bowl with the rest of the ingredients."

"Seems easy enough," Fukase took the sugar, poured it carefully into the measuring cup, and poured in into the bowl.

"Good! Now crack these three eggs and put them into the batter as well."

Fukase did as he was told and stirred the mixture together.

"Mmm, it looks good already," you said as you picked up the bowl and slowly poured in into a cake pan. You slid it into the oven, stepped back, and dusted your hands on your apron, pleased with your work.

"While we wait, why don't we hang up the streamers and stuff?" Fukase suggested. You smiled and nodded, heading over to the bag that held the party things.

Over the course of an hour, the both of you had:

Set the table (for two) with the tablecloth, plates, centerpiece, cups, and plastic silverware,

Tied the many, many balloons around every chair, table leg, and piece of compatible furniture you could find,

And hung the streamers. (with a LOT of effort. Fukase fell off the step stool twice, and a lot of tape was involved to fix the many rips and tears :')

"Seems about right," Fukase said as he stepped back and looked at the streamers. They definitely were not in the same condition as when you first bought them, but they looked good enough.

"Yeah I guess," you sighed. "Wait a minute..." you said as you sniffed the air. Fukase did as well.

Your eyes met.


You both rushed over to the kitchen, and you threw the oven door open and took the cake out. You let out a sigh of relief. The cake was just a touch over golden-brown on the top, but was otherwise okay.

After a totally professional cake-frosting job, *cough* it was finally time for the party.


"...Happy birthday, dear Y/N, happy birthday to you!" Fukase finished singing and watched eagerly as you blew out your candles.

This is amazing, you thought. The real Fukase was sitting right in front of you, singing happy birthday in that beautiful voice of his, helping you throw an amazing party. Right now, this was all you could ever dream of.

A few moments later, two fat slices of birthday cake sat on two paper plates in front of two grinning people.

You took a bite, and immediately your nose wrinkled. You forced the piece down your throat, coughed, and took a drink to wash the taste out of your mouth. Fukase took a bite as well and did the exact same thing.

"F-Fukase?" You began, shaking your head in both disbelief and amusement. "Did you-did you by chance add salt instead of sugar?"

Fukase blushed and hung his head sheepishly. "Seems that way."

You both sat in silence for a while until you burst out laughing. Fukase looked up, confused, his face still red. You reached over the table and ruffled his fluffy mop of cherry hair. He started laughing as well.

"It's okay, Fufu!" You giggled. "You've still made this the best birthday I've ever had!"

Fukase smiled and you both took another bite of the cake.

...And spit it right back out again.

"Yep," Fukase said, wiping his mouth with a napkin. "That's still really bad."


I told you I'd come through ;)

The last chapter is coming out shortly

Other than that, I have nothing else to say.

Hope you enjoyed!

(Yes I got the inspiration for this from my own birthday, but my cake was perfectly fine thanks :')

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