Chapter 4

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You woke up to find Fukase's arm draped across your face and your arm across his chest. Fukase was still snoring so you hit him in the chest with your arm to wake him up.

"OOF," Fukase shot straight up and looked around. "Where am I?" He muttered before glancing over to you, who was trying to hide a snicker.

"Why you little-" Fukase was cut off when a pillow was slammed into his face, taking him by surprise and knocking him over backwards onto the bed. "OH IT'S ON NOW, Y/N," Fukase cried and grabbed a pillow. He used it to block your next attack and then wacked you upside the head.

Then you went Super Saiyan on Fukase and was attacking him from all sides.

Fukase in turn went full blown red-headed demon on you and it was just back and forth of intense pillow action.






"K.O.! I WIN!" You cried as you brought the pillow down hard on Fukase's head, and he tumbled forward into the bed sheets. "Oof," you heard him mumble again and you couldn't help but to burst out laughing. When Fukase lifted his face from the sheets, you could see he was also laughing. Then, after some time, he sighed and wiped tears from his eyes.

"That was fun, Y/N, but now I think I would like to experience the pure love and deliciousness of food again."

You chuckled again before sliding off the bed. "Let's go eat some breakfast then." And Fukase followed you to the kitchen.

It was Fukase's first time trying coffee as well.

He took a sip.

His nose wrinkled and his face turned red.

He ran over to the kitchen sink and spit it out as you laughed.

"WHAT WAS THAT? ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME WITH THAT-THAT POISON????" Fukase yelled and drank a glass of water to wash the taste out of his mouth.

"I'm trying to control myself from being very offended," You said and hugged your mug to your chest. "How dare you insult the precious coffee."

"Bleh," Fukase stuck out his tongue. "I'm gonna get some of that and force-feed it to Flower as payback for leaking my link, see how SHE likes it."

"She might. You never know," You smiled and took another sip.

After breakfast you showed Fukase around your house and explained that your parents wouldn't be home until the end of the week.

"I guess that's convenient for my staying here and all," Fukase said thoughtfully. "But don't your parents care enough to come home and take care of their own child?" he asked. You sighed, an uncomfortable look on your face. "Yeah, I guess. The thing is, they own this big corporation so they're always away on business trips and will leave me home alone for weeks."

"Isn't that dangerous? What if something happens when they're gone?" Fukase seemed very concerned about this topic.

"I prefer not to think about it," you sighed. "Nothing like that has happened yet, and I know they love me, they just...just don't have a whole lot of time for me. But that's okay, I'm okay," you hurriedly tried to change the subject. Fukase didn't say anything, he just gave you another hug. Then he whispered into your ear.

"Hey, do you happen to play Fortnite?" His face split into an enormous goofy grin.

"What the heck Fukase, I thought you were gonna whisper some 'it's gonna be okay' stuff but instead you ask to play FORTNITE of all games???" You sputtered.

Fukase shrugged and smiled, before running off to the living room to play Xbox before you could slap him upside the head.

"W-WELL IF YOU REALLY ARE GONNA PLAY FORTNITE, D-DON'T START WITHOUT ME!!" You yelled and ran after him, smiling.


Okay so heller again just sum quick things to know: School starts again for me on Monday so that means sort of slow updates. Also this is technically only day 3 of Fukase staying with you so 4 more days(chapters) until he goes home :'(

Just to let you know Flower is currently very unhappy at the way I'm referring to her in this story. :')

Okay I'll leave now see you wonderful peoples next chapterrrr!!

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