Chapter 2

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Sunlight streamed through your bedroom window and you groaned as it hit your face. You sat up, rubbing your eyes. Today would be another boring day of doing absolutely nothing.

However, when you opened up your eyes, you got the surprise of your life.

"AHHH!" you screamed. There, sitting right in front of your face, was someone who looked exactly like the VOCALOID Fukase.

"WHO THE FLYING FLIP ARE YOU?" You shouted, and scooted backward, using the sheets as a barrier between you and this Fukase-lookalike.

"My name is Fukase, and, uhm... what do you mean by 'flying flip', exactly?" The cherry redhead said. Your eyes widened in shock. "W-Wait, you're Fukase? As in Fukase the VOCALOID? The one who sings?"

"Uhhh, yeah? You didn't know that?" Fukase cocked his head, confused.

"Yeah aren't supposed to exist in the real world..." You muttered. Apparently, Fukase also had exceptional hearing, because his own eyes widened in shock. "YOU MEAN TO SAY THAT NONE OF US EXIST HERE? OLIVER, V-FLOWER, PIKO, NOT EVEN HATSUNE MIKU?" You had to cover your ears because Fukase was exceptionally good at screaming and being loud.

"Umm, yeah, I'm afraid so Fukase. At least, not in this world. I'm not sure how you even got here in the first place."

"Well, that's easy, didn't you download me?"

Your mind suddenly flashed back to the night before, having clicked on that false download link. Turns out it really had worked, just definitely not in the way you'd expected it to.

"Does that mean I could download the others?" You inquired, suddenly very excited.

"Y'know I betcha it was Flower," Fukase said quietly, as if lost in thought. "Yeah, it was Flower! THAT DIRTY, ROTTEN TRICKSTER LEAKED MY DOWNLOAD LINK AND NOW I'M STUCK HEREEEE," Fukase started to cry a little bit, he looked scared and betrayed. You loosely hugged him. "Hey, it'll be okay, I promise," you said, trying to make him feel better. You tried to think. "Is there any way for you to get back to...wherever you came from?" You asked. Fukase sniffled and wiped his eyes. "I think so, lemme search around," he got up and went over to your computer. He went to the website that you'd downloaded him off of. Sure enough, there was his download link, but this time it was grayed out, unclickable. Fukase scrolled down to find a message scripted out in ones and zeros, binary code.

Fukase sighed and then turned the computer off. "She says this is payback for being 'annoying and haughty' but that she'll let me back in a week, the folder will appear wherever you put it and I can just...uninstall." He sighed again and let his arms flop to his sides.

"So you're stuck here for seven days, huh?" You said, trying to act like you weren't surprised at the fact that a legit humanized computer could read binary code, which should've been obvious.

"Guess so," Fukase again sighed. He suddenly looked at you. "Hey, I never asked your name." 

"Oh, heh, I'm Y/N," You said.

"Well, nice to meet you, Y/N. I guess I should explore this world while I'm here. What's exciting about this place?"

You grinned and grabbed a random outfit to change into so you could go explore the city. "Come on, there's a lot to see!"

Marble Soda (Vocaloid Fukase + Reader)Where stories live. Discover now