His lips enchanted me

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"It's Maddies mum" Lloyd's words struck me like a cannonball, she knows Mads is missing and she thinks I know where she is

"Go and see what is going on"
"Okay but I will put you on speaker so she knows your there"
"Just go!" Lloyds fast feet ran down the stairs
~~~~~~TIME SKIP~~~~~~
I was a nervous wreck pacing up and down my room for my parents and police to arrive
Maddies mum had called the police from my house after numerous protests from me down the phone, telling her that Maddie needs this time away from her I then recived a "Shut up and stop putting your foot in you're mouth" from Lloyd

For the eagle eyed amongst you, you will properbly know it is no where near visting time, and now may be asking why my parents are coming with the police. Well, because I'm sectioned the police aren't aloud to question me over Maddie unless my parents are present, so to cut a long explaination short both my parents are sitting with me along with Mike durning the questioning
Im rambling because I am nervous sorry

"Megan the police are here" oh what joy
"Right em okay" Mike walked me to the meeting room where a woman police officer and my parents were talking

"Megan Tomlinson I presume" she sounded nice but also the kind that can turn from nice to angry in 0.03 seconds
"I'm Officers Fields" I nervously sat down next to my mum
"Now I understand you have infomation on the where abouts of Maddie Miller"
"Yes, she sent me a message in the early hours of the morning"
"I need to see"
"Okay" I opened Instagram and clicked on the message, she quickly read through it
"When was this picture taken?" so she was interested in a pictured than where my best fucking friend is
"2 years ago"
"Was this before things got out of control?" is she really pushing it this far
"What do you mean 'out of control'!" I snapped back venomusly
"Before you started to smoke,drink and cut yourself" mum could clearly see my shaking clenched fists
"I hardly see how that is important" I have never heard my mum speak with such aggression
"It is very important, because if we can establish when Megan started to 'self harm' then we can find out if this is also when things started to go wrong for Maddie" she wiggled her fingers as she said self harm

"Are you fucking blaming me for MY best friend dissapering, you should be asking her mother that not me!" I was shaking all over and gasping for breath
"Be carefull how you speak to me"
"No Officer Fields you be careful of how you speak to a mentally unstable teenager who is sectioned under the mental health act, now you need to leave now and this interveiw can be resumed tomorrow and by a DIFFERENT officer" Mike spoke up his voice firm and un braking

"Very well, but Megan if I find out you have anything to with this then-"
"GET OUT NOW!" My dad screamed at her, I have never seen him get angry like this before and the fact it was to a police officer well

She went to speak before leaving the room but I quickly pushed passed her so I could get out, it felt like the walls were closing in on me
Running/stumbling down the corridor thats when I collided into him

He had striking grey blue eyes, brown hair slightly quiffed at the front. He was not to muscly but toned, he wore a dark green hoodie, skinny jeans, and a palm tree t-shirt.
His sleeves were rolled up slightly and I could see deep and I mean deep stitched up cuts and a lot of scars

"It's Megan isn't it" his voice was low and he spoke with a prominent Sheffield accent
"Yeah hi sorry for the thing I wasn't looking erm yeah sorry" I spun to walk away but grabbed my hand and pulled me back
"Im Matt, and we're still talking, I hope" I looked to the floor blushing slightly as a smile danced across his lips

If I believed in love at first sight then I'd say that is what this is

"Yeah, I hope we are to" god he was beautiful

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