Chapter 23: Auntie's Home!

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A few more weeks have passed. I've been hanging out more and more with Asher. As in, amusement parks, McDonalds, Starbucks, etc.

It's pretty awesome if you ask me. My life is going smoothly. I know for sure Asher likes me but he's just a baby to admit it. Not trying to be cocky or anything.

You've seen it right? Anyways....I've also been with Jake. He's just the funniest dude around. We always make Asher jealous like that cause Jake knows what's up.

He's like my best friend aside from Casey. We talk a lot at any chance we got but she's mostly with her boyfriend. I don't mind though, I want her happy.

Plus it just gives me an excuse to hang with Jake and Asher more.

But if I were to choose...I'd definitely choose Jake. Don't get the wrong idea though. I like Asher, I do.

I don't hook up randomly like that one helium caked chipmunk. Nah I ain't a hoe.

I'd pick him cause.....and I guarantee y'all love him 10,000x more. He's gay!!!!! Yaaaasss boi!!!!

All life's complete! I'm the only person he's told. And he says am his best friend too. So we go around saying we're each other's bf. If ya get what I mean.

Yup, best friend! Asher flipped when he heard. He kinda ignored me for a while because of his pride, ego, pettiness, etc.

I'm not trying to be fucked up though. I want to see how long it would take for him to man up and ask me out.

Jake knows everything about me. He understands. And he tells me everything too. Come on, he's gay, and my best friend.

AND he's trying to hook me up by helping me! It's awesome! I'd do anything for him as well, no doubt bout dat.

Anyways, enough about that imma just continue on.

"HI GUYS IM HOOOOME!" I yelled slamming the door open.

"Hi dear!" My mom said happily.

"Welcome home sweetie, your aunt's here." My father said.

"Hiiiiiiiiiii!!!!" I yelled waving exaggeratedly. She smiled softly and waved back, "Hi dear."

Wow, I always forgotten how similar my dad and her look though. Obviously on one part is cause that's his mother. But yeahhhhh.

I heard my mom's story of how she was 'kidnapped in her unicorn onesie' I found it really sweet that my dad went through all that trouble just to save her mom.

Now look at her! Well you can't actually look cause....okay, just know she looks healthy.

The treatment worked. Also my mom said that he cried like a baby about it. I mean that's just sooooo adorable.

"How long are you staying?" Blake asked munching on a snickers bar while holding a small stuffed toy duck.

I wonder where he got that from.

"Just a day maybe"

My dad pouted, "Whyyyyyyyy????" My mom rolled her eyes, "Such a baby."

"IM THE BABY!?!?" He gasped. "That's what I said." She smirked.

"Awww I don't need to worry about my baby growing up because he's still a babyyyyyy!!! His mom cooed pinching his cheeks.

"Noooooo." He cried swatting her hand away. We all laughed at him. My life's going great so far.....

Or so it seemed.
Dun, Dun, DUUUUUUUUNNNN!!!!!! What do you thinks gonna happen!?!?

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