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I woke up in a dazed state. Lights danced around me. I was no longer in my dressing room, I was on the bus in my bunk. I laid back down, for I thought I was still asleep, but then the lights suddenly stopped and disappeared. I shrugged and got up, but a headache ripped through my body.
'Not today.' I said before laying back down and closing my eyes. I then heard light footsteps coming towards my bunk. I small hand opened the curtain a slight bit, I looked up. It was Dace.
"How you doing, Z?" She asked. 
'My head is pounding, everything else is fine.' I said. "You want some Tylenol?" She asked me. I nodded. "I'll be right back." She said before closing my curtain and walking away. A few minutes passed before she came back. She helped me sit up and take the pills then helped me lay back down again. "You all set?" She asked. I nodded, but then a thought came, I grabbed her wrist before she was out of my reach. She turned to me,
"What is it?" 'Um, about last night, why did you call me 'babe'?' I asked her, I really wanted to know the answer. She went tomato red.
"Uh, I-I didn't think you'd remember last night..." She said nervously. "Are you sure you didn't dream up a thought like that?" She inquired.
'Yes, I'm sure.' I pressed, I wanted to know why she called me that.
"Um...I-I..." She stuttered before walking away in a frenzy. Then suddenly, I realized. Dace may like me as more than a friend. I didn't know how to feel, for I had never considered my sexual attraction before. But I pondered it for what seemed like hours there in my bunk. Later, I actually felt well enough to get up, but did I really want too? Did I really want to face everyone after what happened last night? Yes, yes I did. I'd have to anyways. I got up and walked out into the small walkway, wary of who was around, there was no one. I looked out the window, we were at a different venue, which means I slept through a lot of travel. I saw crews rushing through the lot, and I saw fans driving in and out on the other side to park their cars. I went to my suitcase and pulled on some different clothes, I was still wearing the ones from last night still. A hoodie, a tank-top, jeans and some converse. I slowly went down the stairs and opened the busses door. I stepped onto the pavement and was instantly hit by a chilling breeze, I tugged my hoodie closer to my body and walked towards the large building. I walked through the stage door and down the halls, looking for someone I would know. I opened a door and it revealed the stage, Panic! was on playing their hearts out, Dace though, she looked like she was barely present on the stage, it broke my heart, she didn't know if I was up and moving yet, I don't think anyone did really.
I walked away and found a map on a board that read the band member's dressing rooms, I found Tyler and dad's room, they're sharing this time. I traced my finger and memorized the rights and lefts of the way to get there before walking and turning. I almost ran into Mark, but I hid behind an outfit box, I didn't want to deal with him right now, not before I talked to dad and Tyler. Especially Tyler.
I eventually found the door and heard voices coming from inside. I knocked twice, the voices stopped, so I stepped in. Tyler and dad looked at me, both very pale, paler than the fullest moon. 'Hello, miss me?' I asked with trembling hands. Dad set down his sticks that he had been drumming on his knees with and came over to me. He looked at me with sad eyes, eyes that hadn't seen sleep and hugged me tightly. Tyler looked at me with sympathy. Dad let go but still kneeled in front of me. "What happened will be forgotten by everyone else, we've asked them not to tell anyone what had happened, but you will still need to tell us what happened, okay?" He explained. I nodded, they needed to know anyways, everyone does.

After Panic! Was done and Dad and Tyler went on stage, Tyler apparently told Dace I was here so she came bursting through the door with her guitar in hand and running over to me. She carefully set her guitar down and hugged me tightly, so tight I almost couldn't breathe. I carefully pried her arms away from me and looked at her with a smile.
"How are you feeling? Lightheaded? Sick?" She pestered. I assured her I was fine. "Do you want to tell me now?" She asked. I nodded, it'd be easier to tell her than anyone else, I think, I hope.
I started explaining everything, about Mom, Zachary, and my father. I shivered when I told her about that night when I was nine. She put her arm around me and laid her head on my shoulder while I told her everything, listening to my every word, and nodding when she wanted too.
I finished and she sat back up, and looked at me with loving eyes.
"What you just told me, and the way you told me it, will stay between us. It was different from anyway else you'll tell anyone, I can tell. I'll keep it between us, I promise." She said. I nodded with a small smile.
'I had one other thing to say to you, Dace.' I signed. She looked confused. 'About last night.' She went red. 'I know it happened, and I took some thought to it. I kinda like you.' I looked down at my lap. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Dace's face brighten up instantly. I felt her scoot closer to me, but not too close that it was uncomfortable.
"Well, we could do something, but I don't want to share it with my mom and dad." She admitted.
'I don't want to share it with my dad either, he'd flip his entire kit, and Dan's too.' She laughed at that. 'We should have code words.' I suggested, she nodded and we made some code words. Then I heard footsteps coming towards the room and quickly scooted away from Dace, then Brendon walked into the room with Dallon behind him.
"Uh, Zinc? Can we talk to you?" Dallon asked. I nodded before saying goodbye to Dace in our own little way.

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