Twenty Twø

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*Timeskip to after that segment of tour*

It was that dredded day, the day I went to the doctors office. We were currently on our way to wherever we were going to this appointment, I really didn't care.
Soon enough we were parked and walking into the building. In the reception, the walls were painted a dull green-grey color with ugly brown chairs supposedly complimenting the walls. Ew.
I sat down in one of the uncomfortable chairs and put on my headphones becuase there was a twenty-something mother with a screaming infant not ten feet away from me. I clicked on my MCR playlist and started listening, whilst scrolling through my Tiwtter feed. More and more stuff about Dace and I showed up, I smiled. Soon enough Dad came over with a clipboard and handed it to me. He signed to me so I wouldn't have to take off my headphones.
'You need to fill that out yourself becuase I don't know that much about your medical history all that much.' He signed. I nodded before getting to work on the sheets that were attached to the clipboard.
I finished just as a nurse called my name. I put away my headphones and gave the nurse the clipboard. He directed us into a tiny room with a chair for me to sit on.
"Dr. Dee will be in with you shortly." Said the nurse before exiting the room. Then there was silence. I decided to sorta 'fill' the silence.
'Is this your doctor too?' I asked dad.
"Yes, I wanted to have a family doctor, plus it's cheaper." He replied. I rolled my eyes.
'Like money is a problem.' I retorted.
"Hey! I need to be able to buy my merch!" He exclaimed. I laughed.
'That's too true, Dad.' I said. Right then, the doctor walked in.
"So, you must be Zinc Dun?" She asked, flipping through the papers that I had filled out not long ago. I nodded. "Says here that you haven't had a checkup in three years." She said. I nodded. "Well then, lets see if things have changed since then." She looked up at me with a smile.
"How long has it been since you last spoke?" She asked, looking at some papers. I pondered that, when was the last I spoke? Finally the answer came. 'Five years ago.' I signed. She looked at Dad. "Five years ago." He answered. Her eyes went wide. "Have you tried speaking since then?" She asked. The heck? What a dumb question, of course I have! I nodded with a sour look on my face.

For some reason, I had to take an X-Ray so the doctor could see what my vocal chords looked like. After what seemed like a century(But in reality was ten minutes), she came and asked if she and Dad could talk in the hallway. I was utterly confused. Shouldn't she be able to tell me what she had to tell Dad? He nodded and walked out with her. When the door was shut I pulled out my phone and texted Dace.

Z.J.: @ the dr's office rn and the Dr just asked my dad if they could talk in the hallway, u think thats good?

Daceberry: idk, what happened b4 then?

Z.J.: Had to get an XRay 4 my vocal chords

Daceberry: u ever think that may b 4 ur vocal chords? Like 2 c if they're ok?


Daceberry: well then think harder next time

Z.J.: gtg they're back

I put my phone away in my pocket as the door opened and Dad and the doctor stepped in. Dad looked pale, very very pale. And we live in LA, where the sun is out 24/7.
"So Zinc, we have an idea." Said the doctor slowly. "Is it MCR." I thought. I cocked my head to the side, in question.
"You're old enough now to get surgery for your vocal chords so you can speak again." I perked up at this. Being able to speak again? Sign me the heck up. "But, there is a downside to this." She said, holding up a finger. I cocked my head to the side again. "If you get this surgery, surgeons will be working very close to your neck, and if anything goes wrong, you could have a chance of dying." She explained evenly. All the color drained from my face, and I suddenloy felt very sick. Now I understood why Dad looked so pale when he came into the room. I just sat there, staring at the wall of the room.
"It's ultimately up to you if you want to get this surgery done." She stated. I looked over at Dad and snapped my fingers. He looked like he came out of his trance.
'Why couldn't this surgery been done years ago?' I signed. dad translated for the doctor. 
"It was the fact that you wouldn't be young enough to understand what would happen, and plus you haven't had a checkup in years." She explained. I nodded grimly. Dad looked up at me.
"It's up to you Zinc, do you want the surgery or not?" He asked. it felt like time was paused as I thought about everything that would happen if I did, or didn't get the surgery, and what would happen if I didn't make it through the surgery.
I finally looked up at Dad, and with shaking hands signed,
'I want to get the surgery.'

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