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Later that week Panic!, Tyler, and Jenna came over to our house. Also, Sarah and Breezy came over as well. One foot in the door and I could tell that Sarah did not care for me much. Breezy, however, was ecstatic.
"So you're the Zinc I've heard so much about! You're so cute!" She complemented. I blushed, I'm still not used to complements still.
'Thank you Breezy.' I thanked her. She sat down next to Dallon and hopped in the conversation the adults were having. Dace trailed behind wearing red and black, and even a fedora.
'You look very pretty.' I said. She flushed red.
"T-Thanks Z." She stuttered. We sat down on the floor by the adults. They were talking about more tour stuff and who could come this time. Eventually they stopped and started watching this sappy movie. I got up and tugged Dace behind me. "Where you going?" asked Kenny.
'My room, this movie is too sappy.' I complained. "Fair enough." He said before turning back to the TV. After we turned into the hall to the staircase we bolted, I practically crawled up the stairs on all fours. Once we got to my room we collapsed on my bed and breathed in long breaths. I then turned to Dace.
'Wanna watch some horror movies?' I asked.
"Hell yeah." She said before I got up and looked through my horror movie collection, yes a collection. I love my horror movies.
'The Exorcist or The Visit?' I asked, holding up the two cases.
"The Visit, we can complain about it more." Dace chose. I nodded at that and popped the movie in to the player and went over to my door and locked it, don't want someone walking in on us cuddling, there goes our secret if that happens. I hopped back onto my bed and laid across Dace's lap. She giggled and pulled me up on her lap so my head was laying on her chest. I squirmed in her grip and she pulled me closer.
The entire time we were complaining about the movie like Cinema Sins and and a count of how many complaints we made, whilst giggle at our stupidness, also of my squiggling like a squid.
After we finished the movie I went down to get a snack because we were hungry and we still had the rest of the night to go. I got the snacks and went back upstairs to my room. I kicked the door open and set the snacks down on my desk before grabbing some chips and hopping back on my bed. Dace grabbed a bag of pretzles and started munching. We finished The Visit and moved on to Happy Death Day, but a quarter way into the movie I started to drift off into sleep, but I wouldn't let myself, so I was kinda squrming in Dace's lap. She took notice and giggled at me.
"You can go to sleep, Z. I won't mind." With her permission I fell into the deep abiss of darkness that we call sleep.

Dace's POV

We were watching Happy Death Day when Zinc fell asleep in the glowing light of her TV. I took the chance to snap a photo of her with my phone before chuckling to myself and sending it to my friend, Astine, he was the only one who knew about me and Zinc being a thing.
Oh my god! She's so cute! He replied. Hey! No hitting on my girlfriend, get your own! I playfully sent back. I set my phone down and laid my head back on the pillow I was sitting against and sighed. 'What did I do to deserve Zinc?' I thought, but that was before I saw the door move by a fraction of an inch. The AC wasn't on, so someone was watching. The door swung open to reveal a sleepy, but surprised Kenny. I looked like a deer in headlights.
"Are you two-" Kenny started, but I quickly quieted and pointed to the sleeping Zinc on my lap. He nodded in understanding.
'Yes, we are a thing, and no, we didn't have sex, god dammit.' I signed to him. 'Please don't tell anyone.' I pleaded. '
'Alright,' he signed. 'But you have to do it soon.' He said before walking out the door and down the hall somewhere.
I took in a deep breath. "What would've happened if that had been Dad? Or Josh?" I whispered to myself. "How'd he even get in?" Then it dawned on me. Zinc forgot to lock her door again when she came back from the kitchen. I quietly groaned.
I was getting tired so I carefully lifted Zinc off my lap and under the covers of one side of her bed. I got up and locked the door, then turned off the TV and turned on a small lamp that gave of a yellow tinted light. I turned on the fan in the room, took of my fedora and shoes, and climbed in bed next to Zinc. I pulled my arms around her and pulled her closer to me and kissed her hair.
"I love you Z." I whispered before falling asleep next to Zinc.

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