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When I had finished telling Brendon and Dallon about what happened and why, they hugged me and assured me that I'd be alright and that they'd never tell a soul what had happened, Dad and Tyler were done with their set. I let them take their showers and I headed back to the bus, where Jenna was. I told her too, while it was still us alone in the bus, and she told me that if I needed to talk to and girl, she was the one to come too. I thanked her before heading back to my bunk and grabbing my journal. I got out a pen and started writing ideas for songs on a jotting page.
Tyler, dad, and Mark eventually got on the bus, and I asked if Mark could go back to his bunk so I could tell Tyler and dad about last night, but I told it to him as we needed to talk about something alone. He took the bait and complied, going to his bunk and doing god knows what.
I told them, and Dace was right. The way I told Dallon and Brendon, Jenna, and now dad and Tyler, was different from the way I told her what happened. I was more descriptive of her, I told her the memory of when I was nine, I skipped over that with everyone else, they didn't need to see the proof that that night actually happened and I'm not lying.
After that they both hugged me, Tyler last. After dad had gone to his bunk, Tyler stayed out with me.
"I feel like you'e not telling me something, but you've told someone that something, am I right?" he asked. I got nervous, I didn't want to tell him. Nobody except Dace can know. I can't let them know.
'Just a few things that happened last night that were mere details, not the plot of the story.' I said.
"Oh okay." He said, skeptical. I was hasty to change the subject. '"
'Where were we, and where are we going? Also, when is the break?' I questioned.
"Woah, okay. Slow down, let me answer." He laughed. "We were in St. Louis, Missouri, we're going to Little Rock, Arkansas, and the break is in about a week." He answered. I asked about the break because I was anxious to get home and sleep in my normal bed, and see Jim too. Jim's adorable and I miss him.
'Thanks, Ty, goodnight.' I said before getting up and crawling into my bunk, being careful of the dreaming Jenna below me. I set my journal down in a little shelf, plugged my phone in, and fell asleep to the small bumps of the bus.

*time skip to the end of the week*

We were in Madison, Wisconsin, the last performance of the Midwestern leg of the tour. I was sitting backstage about an hour before Dad and Tyler were supposed to go on stage and perform on my phone messing around with maps when I saw a coffee shop not far from the venue. Dace and I had grown closer, so I thought I'd be a good idea to go, she didn't have to perform tonight either. I knocked on dad's door before entering and saw Brendon there too. "This is great, now I don't have to ask twice." I thought to myself. "What is it Z?" Dad asked.
'Can Dace and I go to this coffee shop not far away? It's just a few blocks.' I reasoned. Dad exchanged some quiet words with Brendon before turning to me and nodding.
"Just make sure you're back before nine, that's trailer loading call time." I nodded before running out the door and to Dace's and my room, we're sharing. I burst through the door with a loud noise that made her jump two feet into the air. I laughed at her and she blushed.
'I found this coffee shop not far off and our fathers said we could go, just gotta be back before nine, what'dya say?'I asked her, offering my hand.
"I'd love too." She smiled before grabbing her bag. I grabbed mine and we sprinted down the halls past Kenny and Dan.
"Where are you two going!" Yelled Dan.
"Coffee!" Dace yelled back before we burst through the back door, we didn't leave a mark thank god, or else people would've asked the worst of us.
I pulled up the little map on my phone and we followed it, we took the longer route though. We ran into some fans along the way and took pictures and signed what they wanted us to sign before walking on and to the coffee shop.
We went in and was instantly hit with the smell of freshly ground coffee beans and cinnamon, it was a nice blend, this was not your average Starbucks, thats for sure. Dace ordered for the both of us and we sat down with our coffees. I took a sip of mine and basically melted from how good it was. Dace could see my pleasure and laughed.
'What? It's really good!' I exclaimed.
"It's not like I don't believe you, just your face was priceless, I wish I could've gotten a picture!" She laughed.
'Taste it if you don't think that the face I made was not worth it.' I pressed, pushing my drink towards her. She took a sip and her eyes twitched. I laughed at her this time.
"Fine, you win." She admitted.
'I will always win.'

We finally got home after the tour, I was so very tired and thankful to be home. When we got home, I wobbled up to my room and collapsed on my bed from exhaustion. I heard dad walk in not long after that and heard him chuckling at the sight of me.
I fell asleep not long after, and in my own bed this time.

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