Chapter One: A New Home

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** This story contains male pregnancy like most of my other stories so if you don't like that stop reading right now. In the future some boys are born able to have children. They are able to become pregnant, carry a baby and give birth naturally. They are born with a female reproductive system that allows them to. So they are basically male except for being able to have children. Anyway that's all I have to say I hope you enjoy this story. :) **

Chapter One: A New Home

"Daniel, you have nothing to worry about. Trust me the family you will be staying with are good people. They even have a son around your age along with a few other foster kids they have taken in. You have nothing to fear I think you will actually like it here." Hazel says so naturally coming from her mouth.

The last part of what she said ticks me off a little at how she can assume I have nothing to fear. Assuming I will like it here when she isn't the one having to stay there. She isn't the person going to have to live miles away from home in some small town where she doesn't know anyone. Or even have to start over with nothing.

I decide to nod my head as I stare out the window of the car pretending to agree with her, hoping she will shut up and we can continue playing the quiet game. I'm not really in the mood to talk to her or anyone right now when I have a headache and nothing nice to say.

What could I possibly say anyway? I'm glad she picked a good home for me to go to? Maybe thanks Hazel for choosing a place in the middle of no where? Thanks for making me sit on my ass for almost a whole day as you drive?

Yeah, I don't think I should speak with me being in such a crappy mood. I'd probably say something I would only end up regretting and I don't think that would be a good idea. Especially when the person is my social worker that has been assigned to finding me a new home after my parents told me they wanted me out.

I either had the choice between running away and living on the streets or being taken away and placed in a home with other people I don't know. I guess it's easy to tell which I chose and it's obvious why. I can't just live on the streets with no money or food. Of course my parents wouldn't have cared since they stopped giving a damn about me weeks ago. Yeah, I know I have such loving parents. They loved me so much they handed me over for the state to deal with me and I wouldn't be their problem anymore.

Now I'm hours away from the place I called home for sixteen years and as much as I thought about getting away one day would be nice I take it back. Going somewhere I don't even know just makes it even worse. I'm not a person to be scared easily but after all I've been through in the past several weeks it's hard not to be. The fear of being called a liar and going through the same ridicule again makes me far more scared than anything.

The only thing I don't understand is why Hazel had to find some far away place for me to call my new home in the middle of nowhere. I'm basically far away from everyone I know and my familiar surroundings I grew up around but in the end maybe it will be better. Living where no one knows me or what happened to me at the party three months ago. Just the thought of that night and how people treated me later makes me feel uneasy.

I push the thoughts and memories away that I've been trying to forget when Hazel slows down and makes a right turn off the main road on to a dirt path that seemed hidden by the trees. If she wouldn't of turned I probably would of never noticed it with all the trees around. I watch as we pass by more trees than I can count.

My eyes drift away from looking at nothing and land on the house down the dirt road straight ahead. A grey two story house that is sitting all by itself far away from any houses near by. The only road is the dirt road to get out onto the main road into town however far that is.

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