Johnny x Reader

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You were walking home from a walk in the park, your headphones on. You were listening to love songs because that's how you felt. In love. 1000 Years by Christina Perri came on. You sang the chorus with passion. "I have died everyday waiting for you. Darling don't be afraid I have loved you for a thousand years.. I'll love you for a thousand more.."

You ran into someone, putting you to a halt. "Sorry.." You looked up. It was Johnny Christ, the guy who you had been crushing on. You were speechless. "You ok?" He asked, staring you in the face. You were the same size which was actually perfect. "Y-yeah.."

"How am I to repay the favor?" He asked. "Oh.. You dont-" He interrupted. "Of course I do. I ran into you. Almost knocked you down." You were 22 as he was 23. "How about.. A date." You didn't know what to say except yes. "S-sure.."

You gave him your number then walked home. Since it was Friday and you didn't have plans, you sat at home. You sat on the couch, reading, when someone called you. It was Johnny and you answered.

"Hey [Y/N].. So about that date.. What about tomorrow night. Will pick you up at 6. We can go to the bar." He said. "Sounds good. I'll see you then." You replies and hung up, looking at the time. It was almost midnight so you fell asleep on the couch.

The next morning you woke up, smiling. "I have a date.. With Johnny Christ tonight.." You went to your room, looking for something to wear. You pulled out a [Favorite colors] dress. You sat it on your bed and sighed, reading.

You lost track of time and when you checked, it was 5:53. You threw your book down, putting your dress on and rushing to get your makeup on.

Suddenly you heard someone pulled up. You looked out the window, seeing Johnny in his fancy ass car. "Johnny and his cars." You said as you walked outside, getting in the passenger side.

"I must say, you look nice." He smiled. "Thanks." You blushed a bit. Johnny driving to the bar. "I can't garuntee the guys won't be there." He said, pulling up. "That's fine." You said as you both got out.

He opened the bar door for you, walking in after you. You both sat down and ordered drinks. You talked for a while, not noticing the 4 others were there, messing around as usual.

"Hey Johnny.. Can I say something?" You said, your face turning pink. "Sure." He said, grabbing your hand. "I-I love you.." You said, smiling. "Me too-" Your wild side took over, pulling him to you, kissing him for a few moments.

Suddenly you broke apart, hearing Matt's voice. "Hey look.. [Y/N] and Johnny are in love!" He said this with a smile as the guys all said together, "Cute"

You didn't care though. You kissed him again passionately.

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