Chapter 6: Love birds

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Ygritte's POV

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Ygritte's POV

I can hear clicking sounds heck, I can feel someone's watching me scrutinizing my face.

"Riritte! You there? Sweetheart she's ignoring me. She's creeping me out!" Said by the most stupid dokkalfar ever existed.

"Riritte! Come back to me."

Oh come on, I bet that right now he's kneeling beside my bed with his puppy eyes and frustrated pouty lips. I squinted my eyes as I adjusted my sight from the light. Judging from the surroundings we are at the East camp's hospital, Yoshaka has his arms bandaged while I'm here laying prettily on my hospital bed.

"What are you doing here?" A hint of playfulness is evident in my hoarse voice. Yoshaka suddenly acted like he was stabbed deeply in his heart. Causing me to massage my temple in distress. Can life be any better?

"How could you? Where is my Riritte?" And with that came his frustrated weeping, like mourning into something that is not real. I mean come on! He's wiping his cheeks as if there's really tears flowing from it.

"Let her be, shak. I was like that when I had my first kiss!" Morphy said with a giggle like a kid on a candy store, yeah she giggled! At my despair.

I groaned while throwing my headback. Way to create a spot light Ygritte! Yikes! Now the whole campers knew you kissed the most gorgeous lycan ever existed and calmed him down before he tries killing everyone, what a bold move lady. I feel like screaming! My goodness why did that happen? Why did I let that happen? Now what to do?

"Aww and I was your first kiss right? Now kiss me!" Yoshaka said demandedly. He seemed to be eager to have his kiss because he pouted like a duck and shoved his face to Morphy's who turned away with pink cheeks.

"Peeeep, peeep, virgin eyes here lovebirds. You might want to continue that later. The doctors wont allow a live show in here you know?" I said with a grin, supressing my laughter at the both them.

"Did you washed the dishes?" Morphy asked changing the subject as she averted her gaze anywhere but me. Oh my golly wow! She's blushing! I could almost feel the hint of laughter at the back of my throat.

"Cupcake! Baby! Pipity popity poo! You are so beautiful and I'm inlove." He dreamly said with a dramatic sigh, tsk, tsk, he's hopeless.

"You didn't washed the dishes!" Morphy scolded with an annoyed expression but with a hint of amusement in her eyes. He just pouted at her like he did nothing wrong and glared at me like I was at fault that she became angry at him. He gruffly went up and ---

"Arghh! What did I do?!" Now what?!

"You evil spirit of whatever you are! What did you do to my Riritte? Bring my Riritte back. Evil of doom or whatever you are, begone ! Or you will face the wrath of Yoshaka the Great!" I was planning to ignore his tantrums but when his shaking got out of hand, I dramatically fell out of the bed and shocked registered his face - well mine too.

"I-i didn't do that." He said obliviously and started helping me get back up to my bed when Morphy and I glared at him. I shook my head.

I was about to say something when he screamed loudly, "The beast has been unleashed! And I'm running out for the sake of my life! Sweetie you can save yourself right!"

Yep, he went around running like a total lunatic.doctors eyeing him ridiculously not knowing what to do with him. I turn around as I heard a hearty laugh from behind.

"Uhh... Condolence?" I said with a grim face, she just rolled her eyes on me making me laugh but instantly subsided when I felt a pain in my head making me winced.

"Hey, you okay?" Morphy asked worriedly.

"I'm fine, so I never asked this before but, how did the two of you met?" I suddenly asked trying to change the subject.

She smiled brightly, "I met that fool when I was trying to steal an ancient helm in the ruins near Farquhar. I was a refugee trying to make a living out of stealing, people are dying because of hunger and the World government nor any other kingdoms we've passed tried to help us nor aide us," she said as she shook her head.

"Then? What happened?"

"We ended up fighting for it, because he said he was tasked to take it. But because he's a stupid jerk, he admitted instantly that he liked me and sometime in the middle of our fight he just kissed me and I fell into abyss. Well, who wouldn't? I was shocked! That was my first kiss and I have never thought that some stranger would just took it just because he was just infatuated by me! I gave him the helm because of too much frustration but since then he never stopped pestering me and now here I am, right at his side." She finished it with a laugh like it was the most ridiculous love story she had never imagined. Well it is ridiculous, considering Yoshaka's hopeless attitude and well-being I can't even believe she could still cope up with him. Love is blind.

"So where do you think he's heading now?"

"Probably finding someone to pest with his presence. Even Ophelia can't stay that long with him. You should have seen the doctors earlier! It seems like instead of giving him a bandage and an arm supporter I think they're thinking ways how to pin him and had him tied up in his bed ! Dang that man!" She ended it with a smug smile on her face, she's really in love with him. "Well, I guess I have to leave you for a while now so that you can rest. I still have to find that idiot! He's in charge of washing the dishes today, how can he forget that?"

"Okay and thank you Morph, but is it possible that you could atleast say to the woman at the desk that I don't want any visitors except from the doctor for now?" I really dont want someone bugging me to tell what happened and how. People this days they wouldn't stop for nothing.

"Sure," and with that she went out as I fell on my back and went falling into abyss.

Unfortunately, after a few hours of resting the door opened revealing Ophelia with a small smile , "You have a visitor Ygritte Ashtroy."

"I thought I said I don't want visitors for now. I mean, I just want to rest you know," I said softly.

She shook her head, "Well forgive me, but this visitor of yours must have some great fetish on you. Anyway aside from that, not only he has a higher status than I have he's been terrorizing my staffs earlier so I have to bring him here before he starts making a scene."


Cliffhanger! Hey guys! It has been a boring summer! Lols !

If it weren't for our summer camp and island hopping tours, I would be sulking inside my bedroom while rolling on the floor wondering what to do! Haha! 😂 hey! Not kidding! I do that a lot. Anyway! So much for that. See you in the next chapter amigos! 😊



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