Ygritte Ashtroy, a lost soul, a wanderer, a skilled larcenist and a freeman of the east camp. One day the Hierophant gave her a task that goes with a thin line between life and death. Like walking in the edge of the underworld and with one wrong foo...
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Ygritte's POV
I dropped my luggage into the floor quite harder than necessary. I'm so tired and my body's craving for a soft mattress to sleep in. I looked around the room, it's neat and cozy better than the hard ground. I slumped myself heavily on the not too hard nor too soft bed and closed my eyes savoring every bits of comfort it gives. I didn't bothered opening my eyes when I felt the door of my room opened.
"You sure you're gonna be okay here, Ritte?" I squinted to look at the Ljosalfar who asked.
"Yeah, I guess."
"Alright! I better go and check the others. We managed to get the whole floor for ourselves, this is way better than spending the night outside."
I didn't bother answering her for I was too tired and too sleepy to respond. I could definitely feel my eyes dropping. The bed... too warm to resist... It's alluring me to sleep. I heavily closed my eyes and let my tired body to rest.
Sometime that night, I heard some footsteps outside and a little conversation - no wait. An argument actually and a woman caterwauling so loudly that I have to stuff my ear with a pillow. I didn't bothered to complain when I felt the door of my room blasted open and a whining woman came in.
Then I felt someone sat at the edge of the bed and more footsteps came in. Crap! I swear I'm on a killing frenzy today! I fought myself to sleep some more to no avail. I decided that it's quite pretty useless to fight my rights to sleep when you're comrades aren't giving you one not to mention they're already here in my room sitting comfortably at my bed! I groaned loudy as I sat on my bed with my closed eyes and put my head on my knees. This is absolutely treacherous! Remind me to strangle their necks tomorrow morning!
"Aweee Riritte is so tired." I heard Yoshaka mumbled, I rolled my eyes in response. Yeah right, as if he can see that he should be thankful after that.
And yes, that stupid dokkalfar wasn't hurt or anything he just fell asleep! That moron! Giving the faes a chance to escape without alarming us he managed to give us a scare that night when we thought the faes had done something to him but he woke up like a kid yawning he stretched his arms upwards. And then he babbled a lot that I wasn't able to stop myself giving him a punch in the face, he got me frustrated enough so I got him back to sleep. It got him a black eye afterall, in which Morphy didn't really mind, I wouldn't really care if she got upset he deserves it for giving us false alarms, that dokkalfar brat.
"Shhhhh, let her be you're gonna wake her up."
And that's when I forcefully opened my eyes and gave them my menacing glare, they paled in return. They should fear me for disturbing my sleep!
"What are you all doing here?" I asked seriously but came out as a croak with my hoarse voice. It's late for goodness sake and I need my sleep!