" Life is a dream , and god is the dreamer..."
Just then the bell rang spoiling my golden moment. Why does it always happens to me? I wondered.
He loosened his grip and set my hands free but deep inside I desired his touch, the comfort that he gave the, the comfort a good book provides a reader or a painting provides a painter.
Oh God, I knew I needed him.
"Um, I guess, we should go to our respective classes" I said and he nodded.
He went away, fading away from my eyes slowly as he walked into the pool of students.
What was this feeling?
I kept on staring in his direction until his body completely disappeared.I nearly jumped to the moon when Taley patted me on my back. "Fuck, you scared the shit out of me."
"Shit, sorry Lilliane, but you know it's PE and coach will make you do extra practice if you are late" said Taley
"I know, sis I know, let's go to the locker room." I sighed. I mean I love running but I hate when people give me punishments , like do 200 push-ups instead of only 100. Or run four times the track instead of three.
Anyway I walked toward the girls' locker room.
Since the school had made sports uniform compulsory which is a white sleeveless sweatshirt and a pair of black track pants. This means I cannot wear my hoodie and if I dared then detention will be my partner after school.
I took off my shirt and jeans and slipped into the uniform . I actually like it but the only problem is that it is sleeveless. Not that my underarms and not waxed, they are but it cannot hide the Phoenix tattoo on my arm and that's the another reason I wear a hoodie.
"God I wished my parents would allow me to get tattoos but they don't". Sighed Coco, she was a sweet girl and I actually enjoyed her company.
I said nothing because it is only the tattoo on my body that's visible to them...Since I was in the uniform now and I was going to get late , so I ran to the gym.
Guess who I saw there?
Yes my Devil. This was too much now, he is in my PE classes too. Not that I don't like his company but had he stolen my schedule and altered his to mine?I wondered.
As soon as he saw me his face got plastered with a wide smile. An amazing smile for me, he was happy, happy because I was with him.
He moved his eyes up and down examining my body as if he was checking me out but his iris freezed when he saw my tattoo.
"OMG A PHOENIX, Wolfie you got a tattoo and you didn't even bothered to tell me"he said pouting .
"Duh, we just met today only. And you never asked me that did I had a tattoo or not?"I said sounding a bit rude.
"But I didn't thought in a million years that you would have a tattoo, I mean I met you today only but one thing I got to know about you is that you won't do anything without any specific reason" he said soflty.
Maybe he is right , I didn't got this tattoo for fun , I got tattoo as the reminder of her, that I am fearless now, that I learned to save myself instead of searching for any prince.
He saw me . Not my physical self he saw my inner self.I was about to say something just then the coach yelled and called me and Theo .
"Ah,you must be Theo, another athlete. Seems like you had already met Lilliane , she is the star of our school , the winner of two national gold and is practising for the next Olympics." And he kept on babbling .
Ok so your task is to do 150 push-ups today itself by the end of the class.
We both nodded and went to the corner to do push-ups while Coco was counting.
"So, why Phoenix, why not butterflies or flowers that most of the girls go for" he asked in order to keep up the conversation.
"Well, I am ..."I was saying
"... different"he completed and I nodded."but still is there any specific reason?" He asked.
I sighed and and told him "I rose up from the ashes like a Phoenix." My voice trembled. He must had sensed my emotions and asked no further questions as we kept on doing push-ups.*
. . . * * . . .Hey readers
Thus is the end of the 8 th chapter, hope you guys are enjoying this book....
Thank you very much.

Teen FictionThe purpose if this glorious life is not simply to endure it, but to soar, stumble and flourish as you learn to fall in love with existence. We were born to live not to merely exist. After 8 years everything was turning normal again. Everything has...