I closed the book, it was amazing. I kept on staring at the cover which said, ' The Fault In Our Star '.
I am not a book lover and there are only 19 books that I had read word by word, with heart.
And now there are 20 such books.
Theo bought it for me yesterday only and told me that I would like it.
And I loved it.
"You read it all?" Theo asked as he laid on the green lush of grass.
"yeah! " I told him pushing my wheelchair forward. It had been two months since my legs stopped to function.
It hurts to be dependent on someone to dress me, to help me to take a bath, to help me walk.
But I am not alone.
When I was small I wished for stars.
Now I wish for my legs.
Never I was happy with what I had... I always yearned for something more but now I know, what if I cannot walk, I have Theo. I have everything.
I am satisfied for once in the 16 years if my life.
At last.
"You read it all?" he asked again standing up.
"yeah, word by word" I told him.
"But I bought it yesterday only" he complained.
"I know but it was amazing" I told him.
"Theo?" I asked.
"yeah... Ask" he said.
"Am I the fault in our star??" I asked as a tear dropped on the book kept on my lap.
He looked at me and I looked at me, he blinked and I blinked too.
"don't ever think about that, you are the star in my fault, you are the one whom I falled in love with, you are the one who made me smile every second of the day, you are the one whose voice I want to hear again and again. Please dont think you as the fault in out star, you are the star in our dark night sky. " he said pushing my hair back of my ear.
I nodded.
" you are amazing as you are, please don't hurt yourself by thinking of stuff like that" he continued.
"okay" I croaked.
I am happy that I found Theo.
But I will never be there for him as he is here for me.
What will he do when I will die, his heart will break and shatter on the floor.
I don't know what to do.
Theo's POV
I know what shes thinking.
But she don't know i would be here for her always. I am too happy to have her, even if she's there for a limited period of time but I will make them amazing.
Every second, every moment of her life.
Every moment will last for infinity.
For there are infinite number of Numbers between two numbers.
Similarly there are infinite moment between every two consecutive moment. I will make them beautiful.
For beauty can come out of ashes too.
I will never break her.
As I promised.
I still have the courage to hold her hand and heart.
I will be always there for you Wolfie.
Every second till you last breath.
Because Wolfie I love you.
And I will never break my promise.
"Do you want another book?" I asked.
She looked at me with hope and sadness in her heart.
" yeah!" she chirped.
" okay gimme your phone" I said.
"here" she said handing her phone to me.
I opened to phone and opened play store.
"What are you doing" she asked.
I smiled at her and handed her phone to her.
I bowed down and told her, "this app is called wattpad, I contains millions of books, you can read them anywhere, anytime you want after you download the book, you can even write your book" I told her and a smile plastered on her face.
"really?!" she said and hugged me tightly, I loved it but I could hardly breath.
" This book is one of my favorite" I told her pointing at the book that said 'that nerd'.
"Okay. Then will read it for sure" she said and started to read the book as I pushed the wheelchair forward.
... * *...

Novela JuvenilThe purpose if this glorious life is not simply to endure it, but to soar, stumble and flourish as you learn to fall in love with existence. We were born to live not to merely exist. After 8 years everything was turning normal again. Everything has...