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"to her the life is not about fitting in or standing out, it was about being true"

My heart skipped a beat.
Again I had my mute conversation with that little angel and devil who suddenly appeared out of nowhere on my shoulder. They looked really pissed off and weird in their night gowns.
The angel had a teddy bear in one hand and was sucking his thumb, while on the other side, the devil had his face mask on.
"What the fuck???, You always bother us, why can't you be specific with your thoughts? You are disturbing our precious sleep, do you know dark circles would rule my eyes if I don't get enough of my beauty sleep" the angel glared at me as he spoke.
"Leave it, now that we are wide awake, tell what do we have to do,we always have to help you" the devil said as he typed on his phone.
" Excuse me dudes, but you never help me when I need your help and always help me when I don't, like last time you helped me in science exam"
I thought.
" Okay, okay wait for a second " they both said in a union.
Before I could think they vanished.
Stupid demons and angels.
Just then they reappeared were sing proper clothes as usual, angel in white bussiness suit and devil in black.
"So, what was the problem?" Angel asked.
" I wanted to know whether I should tell Theo about my past" I asked in my thoughts.
"Well yes of course silly, he like you" the angel said while the devil nodded in agreement.
Both of them are kinda awkward, they always agree with each other.
Well not always but mainly .
Then they vanished.

"Um...are you okay?" Theo asked
"Yup"I told him.
" He wanted to shoot him because I wanted to kill him" I continued.
His face wore a look as if wanted to ask why but didn't because he respected my privacy.
" I wished to kill him because he along with his friend raped and murdered my lil' sister" tears started to flow down my cheeks as I remembered how brutally they destroyed what god made with such a passion and beauty.
" They tried to kill me too but I was lucky enough to exist" I said as my voice cracked.
" So what happened after that?"
" Leo was caught but his companion wasn't, he roamed free, Leo blames me for his arrest and maybe that's the second reason he wanted to kill me, he wanted revenge" I told him.
" Who was that second person? Do you have any idea or something like that?" He asked and realized how bad sense he had used to put up the question.
" Yes, and he us no more, I killed him an year back" I told him and he gulped.
" did you...   well.. murdered him?" He asked.
" It was as simple as a simple curve

(for those who don't know enough maths simple curve is one of the most complex thing in maths, the only simple thing in it is in its name)

I just stabbed him several times, shot him where the sun don't shines, watched insidious with him, removed his nails, kept him hungry and ate choclate cake in front of him every day and when I got bored I let wolves eat him" I completed.
" Wolves???" He asked confused.
"Yes, wolves" I told him.
"Is that's the reason your last name is Wolf?" He asked as I gave out a small laugh.
" No, it's just a coincidence, my grandfather was an excellent hunter who killed a mother wolf but found she had three cubs, he felt sorry for then and brought them with him, at that time grandma was pregnent with my mother, she raised the cubs like they were her own, my mom grew up with them, after 8 years they were released back in the forest. My mom buied this house because of its position, it's nearness with the forest.
When I was born the wolves had grandchildren and I grew up with them, they are my family and my friends, they are everything for me."
I explained as I played with the knife.
"Will you kill me" he said gulping the lump formed in his throat as he looked at the knief.
" It depends" I told him.
" On what?" He asked.
"Whether you are pissing me off of not." I said rather blankly.
"Um...are they?" He asked.
"Well at the moment, it's a no" I told kim and he took a breath of relief.
" So what are you going to do with Leo?" He asked
" I'm going to kill him" I said as the fire in my heart and eyes flowed. The moment I waited wad finally here.
" Is that necessary??" He asked
"Yes" I told him.
" Then I will help" he said with a smirk.
"You did what?" I asked again.
" I killed my dad because he used to beat my mom and I couldn't bear it, one day he used a sharp iron pole to hit my mom but I came in between and stopped him. But it was too late, the iron pole dugged deep inside his body" he confessed.
" What did the judge did to you" I asked.
" It was self defense for them but for me it was a murder" he sighed.
"It wasn't your fault Theo, it can never be, you did what was right" I assured him.
" And what you are doing is right too, they killed your soul and raped your little sister, whi could be as cruel as them" he said.
He was right.
"We will give him the pain and suffering he deserve, and will bring justice to your sister" he continued.
"Yes we will" I said as I got up" For Eva"
"For Eva" he repeated

. . . * * . . .
Hello readers and readers of readers or leaders.
So I am getting a bit...umm...crazy.
*It's official I m crazy, no, I ain't got any certificate that I am mentally retarded*
I am really sorry for spelling mistakes, grammatical errors and everything like that.
It has two reasons:
1.) It's my first book.
2.) I don't know.
So overall lots of whatever you like.
With love and awkwardness
L. Wolf

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