She Who Can See Monster Part 1

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Chapter 1

As I scanned the fairy tale section, slowly touching each book, I came to a halt when my hand came to rest on the book titled, She Who Can See Monsters. I deeply sighed before I decided to pull it off of the shelves.

Ever since I was a child, I have always enjoyed reading children's stories. Because for me, they were more than just a story for the kids. Under those fantasies was a hidden meaning that the writer wanted to give to every child, so when they grew up, they would know how to deal with reality, even without fantasies.

I sighed again before approaching the librarian to borrow the book.

And it's you again? You always read books like that. How old are you? " The lady librarian even tried to catch my eye, but I chose to just focus on the borrowed book. I didn't want to talk, but it looked like she wouldn't let me go if I said nothing.

"Just don't bother me," I said clearly, while still looking at the book. I couldn't help but admire the illustration. There was a princess above the castle while monsters were encircling the castle. And if you look closer, you will see a king who seemed to be fighting the monsters outside the castle.

"You," she refuted, but I didn't let her finish her sentence.

"Please hurry, "I told her. The librarian doesn't seem to like what I did. So, she angrily handed me the book that I borrowed.

"Give it back right away!" she snapped at me.

I just nodded without looking at her. Then, I left the library without looking at anybody.

While walking, I decided to open the book and started reading.

Once upon a time, in a faraway land, there was a beautiful princess who could see the monster in people around her.

I flipped the page after reading the first line.

It was so hard for her to live a life with that ability. Other kids wouldn't dare to be friends with her because they feared that those monsters would hunt them down at night.

I tossed the book to the next page again.

That was the main reason why the princess decided to just live alone in the magical castle and hide from everyone. So, she wouldn't have to see the monster in every person around their kingdom.

I was about to flip another page when someone suddenly appeared right in front of me, and it was none other than Albus Wesley, one of the bullies of the Adelaide Academy.

"Here's the freaking Mary!" he yelled.

He was so loud that he seemed to let everyone know that I was coming. He did not stop there. Albus even grabbed my shoulder and moved me like I was his toy, as if he owned me. At that moment, I closed the book I was holding and quickly hugged it while bowing my head.

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