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Alona brownie021 inspired
Hi. My name is alona. I am 24 years old. I have one sister and two brothers. They don't live in the city. I live in atlanta. I got a job offer out there to work for record label and video production company. I've been there for about four years. I love the city i just hate the people. They are rude and mean but i learn to deal with it. I walk into work all happy and excited to be here and i can hear some of the females talking about my size.

???: why she so fat. Aint nobody supposed to be that size.

???: baby girl is extra extra large. She need to stop eating.

???: fat bitch think she cute with them clothes on. Who she tryna impress aint nobody checking for her.

I could hear them talking about me and laughing at me. It hurts to have people talk about my size and it cuts deep but i try not to think about it. Its not my fault i wasn't made to be skinny like twig. Oh well skinny bitches will hate. I walk into the area that i work in a greet my coworkers. I walk into the bosses (craig) office to see what has to be done today.

Craig: good morning alona!

Alona: good morning craig.

Craig: so look today we have some new artist coming in today. They are here to shoot a video for their new single and we could possibly sign them to our record label depending on how everything goes.

Alona: do you know who they are?

Craig: yea but you wont see them today. Now what i need you to do is go to your office and start working on those papers in there on 12 til.

12 til is another boy group that the company signed a few months ago. They can sang and when i say sang i mean saaaang. They are so amazing. I sat in on one of their sessions and i was definitely feeling the vibe that they were throwing down. I stayed in my office half of the Day doing paper work for other artist and calling managers to get contracts settled and things of that sort. The other half of the day i've been running errands and booking events. When i start something i like to finish it that day even though i know i


after a long day at work i went home at about three. When i was parking i saw a moving van and a 2018 black escalade pulling up to the house next to mine. I live in the suburbs of atlanta. Its nice and quiet over here nothing bad happens over here. I started getting out the car and gathering my things as i go to the trunk i look over and see two tall men with afros. I couldn't really get a look at their faces because they were wearing shades and hats but they looked cute. I went inside and put all my stuff on in my bin. I didn't feel like going all the way to my room to put stuff down. I went to my room and put on a black two piece bathing suit with the ties on the side of the bottoms. My back yard is gated but its the steal gate that looks like a fancy jail cell door. I walked to the backyard and called my best-friend kelsey.

Kelsey: hey thickums. How is your day going and why do you have on a bathing suit?

Alona: its a nice day outside and i need this break from work. You should come over so we can talk and spill some tea.

Kelsey: im already here unlock the front door.

Alona: girl just use the spare key.

Me and my brother moved to atlanta today. We had a video shoot and we might sign to a record label. We are extremely excited to get to our brand new house. By the time we got to our house the moving van was already there. When we pulled up we saw a woman getting out of her car. Baby is thick as hell. She got back, boobs, face and a little belly. I don't mind though. I like woman with a little bit of belly. I couldn't get distracted by her because i know how my brother gets when i see a girl who i think is beautiful. Sometimes we would fight each other over the same girl. I hope to see her again. We started putting our stuff inside the house. Everything was almost complete for the day even though we have other things thats coming tomorrow. I went out back and saw the girl again. She was standing up in a bathing suit and might i say it look good on her. She extra extra thick got more thighs than Popeyes. I wanted to go speak but i'm too afraid. By the way my name is larry and coming out of the house is mu twin brother laurent. We from paris, france. The city of love.

Laurent: aye bro wyd?

Larry: sitting here relaxing.

Laurent: you wouldn't happen to be staring at our female neighbor over there would you?

Larry: no why you asked that?

Laurent: because you was looking at her earlier when we pulled up... shawty is belle though. She could definitely get these longs strokes.

Larry: stop being horny bro. She prolly wont even notice us.

Laurent: nah i know she see us. I like the view from back here. She hella thick. Lets go speak to her.

Larry: what are you crazy? No we will not she prolly got a boyfriend.

Laurent: you don't know that until you ask.

Larry: stop laurent.

Laurent: fine what ever. But one say she gone let me beat that thang up.

Sometimes i worry about my brother. He is too horny right now. I wont talk to her just yet. I'll wait for the right moment because me going up to her would make me choke on my words. I'll just enjoy my day by doing nothing

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