That girl

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Lately i've been going out with alona a lot. She really is a amazing woman and i really like her. Usually when she gets to my house she seems down and always seems to happen when Melissa is around. I hope Melissa isn't saying something that will tick her off or make her not want to come over anymore. I invited her to our workshop today. I know she's not going to wanna dance but at-least she came to support us.

Larry: hey whats got you all excited?

Laurent: none of your business.

Larry: come on bro I'm your brother just tell me.

Laurent: i invited alona to the workshop today.

Larry: you like her?

I can hear the tension in larry's voice. I know larry likes alona but he has a girlfriend and he wouldn't wanna do something stupid like that. I think he's mad because i asked her out on a date that day and he looked pissed but i really don't care. You cant have ya cake and eat it to.

Laurent: yea i like her alot.

I finally made it to the workshop and it was packed. I knew that twins had a large fanbase but the crowd here is amazing. I could feel everybody staring at me once laurent came by me and hugged me. His touch felt so right at the moment and i just don't wanna let him go. We stopped hugging and walked over to the stage area. I saw larry's girlfriend and she just gave me a nasty look. Larry came over to me and hugged me. I stopped hugging larry and went to go sit down. I could feel her staring at me and i just tried not to think about it. As I'm listening and watching larry and Laurent do their thing, larry's girlfriend comes sit next to me.

Melissa: what are you doing here?

I don't like her attitude at all.

Alona: Laurent invited me, why?

Melissa: bitch whats your reason for coming? You aint come for nothing.

Alona: why are you being so mean? I did nothing to you.

Melissa: yea whatever. Just stay away from my man and we wont have any problems. And if you hug him again i will rip your face off.

I look over and see Melissa and alona talking. Im glad that they are getting along. I know i shouldn't be upset that alona has been going out on dates with laurent but i am. I guess everything with them seems fine and i don't wanna ruin it because of my personal feelings for her. After i taught my section the dance i watched them do the dance then i did it with them.

Larry: that was great everybody, you all did amazing and i know you did much better than Laurent groups.

Laurent: you just mad because i am better than you bro but its all good.

Larry: you not better bro.

Laurent: blah blah blah you know I'm better at everything. But anyways imma finish with my group.

Laurent was finishing with his group and i turned around only to see alona walking out with her stuff and Melissa smiling. I ran after her to see whats wrong because i know she didn't leave for nothing.

Larry: lona where are you going?

Alona: i have woman issues to handle. I will be right back.

Larry: are you sure that you're okay? You seem upset.

Alona: I'm fine larry go back in there. I will be back in a few.

For some reason i don't wanna believe that she okay. She seems seriously upset at something but I'm not going to push her to tell me.

After the workshop was over i went home. I really enjoyed larry and Laurent but i didn't like larry's girlfriend. I don't even know why she has an issue with me. I heard a knock at the door and opened it to see Laurent.

Laurent: hi belle.

I swear i love his kisses. His touch is so soft and sexy. And when we hugs me i just melt. I love the feel of his body on mine.

Alona: hi laurent.

Why does he make me blush?

Laurent: what are you doing?

Alona: well i was gonna go take a shower but-

Laurent: nah don't let me stop you. Go take your shower and i'll wait for you down here.

Alona: okay you can turn on the tv if you like.

Laurent: i'd rather watch you shower

Alona: what did you say?

Laurent: nothing

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