A & L

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Me and Laurent finally made up and became friends again. I really wanna talk to him and get some things off my chest. I just need him to know that i never meant to hurt him and that i really do love him. Today is gonna be a hard day for me.

I walked into the office and saw a dozen roses sitting on my desk. I wonder who put those there. I took out the card that came with and started reading it. After i was done reading it i threw the card away and put the flowers in someone else office.

I left my office and walked into the dance studio. Larry and laurent were in there going over their next workshop. I saw their manager in the corner so i went and spoke to her. Larry and laurent came up to me and gave me hugs. I don't know how to feel Bout these hugs.  I didn't wanna let laurent go but i had to.

Eleni: so how is everything with you and the boys?

Alona: rocky. Larry wants me back but now i want laurent back even though we aint date. The fact that they both were fighting over me didn't help the situation.

Eleni: who was your first crush?

Alona: larry but he was dating melissa and when laurent started asking me out and taking me on dates i feel hard for him.

Eleni: i know its hard to choose between the two but you have to make a decision. Figure out what you like and don't like about them. Don't push yourself too hard but in the end you'll choose that special one who had been your rock and your lover all along.

She really got me thinking. I def need to have a talk with the both of them tonight.

Later that night
I called larry and laurent to come over so i could have a talk with them. I am really nervous about this. I hope this doesn't turn out bad. I just need them to know how i feel. I ran to the door to open it and i saw both of them looking like gods. I let them in and we all walked to the table.

Alona: look i called you both here because i need to talk to you.

Laurent: about what?

Alona: larry i'll start with you. When i first heard about les twins you were crush for the longest but i knew i couldn't have you because you were with melissa. Then when i finally got with you everything seemed great until you cheated on me with her. During that time of us dating i felt bad because i dropped laurent just to be with you. Sometimes i wish i didn't kiss you that night. I knew you still had feelings for melissa even though you tried to hide it but its okay.

Alona: laurent you were everything a girl could wish for in a man. You showed me what being in love is really like. I was falling hard for you but i still had a spot for larry. I never thought that i would fall this hard for you. When i stopped talking to you to be with larry i felt bad for what i did. I thought i was making the right decision because i thought you were just using me to get back with jessica but when i realized that wasn't the case.

Larry: and your saying all this to say?

Alona: i was not done talking. Don't be fucking rude.... anyways larry we had a great run but i don't think we can have a redo. You made the bed and now you have to lie in it. I don't want you anymore because I'm in love with laurent.

Larry: huh?

Laurent: what?

Alona: i said I'm in love with laurent.

My love for you: phat(completed)Where stories live. Discover now