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Ever since they day i said that i was in love with laurent, he hasn't even talked to me. Maybe i shouldve never said nothing. I feel so stupid for even expressing my feelings. This is what i get for going between two brothers and having to choose.maybe it just wasn't meant for me to be with him.

I walked into work feeling like shit. I have a headache, my eyes hurts, i barely got any sleep these past couple of weeks. I made my way down the hall and i could feel all eyes on me. I tried my best not to pay attention to it. I couldn't take all the whispering and gossiping. Then i realized no one was looking at me.

I walked in the dance studio and saw laurent and larry dancing as usual. I really didn't feel like saying anything because i knew it would be awkward. I sat down and watched them. I tried to make it seem like i was taking notes when i was really drawing. 

I look up and i see larry and laurent walking to get some water which is right by me. I keep my head down because i know if i make eye contact then I'm gonna want to speak. I feel someone hovering over me and when i look up i see laurent. He had no emotion on his face. He didn't have a shirt on and i just couldn't help but stare at his body. Why did i have to have feelings. He walked away from me not saying a word. I got up and walked out. I was on the verge of crying. I ran all the way to my office and cried my eyes out.

Laurent: lona

Alona: no leave me alone whoever you are. I don't wanna be bothered.

Laurent: talk to me. Why did you run out?

Alona: leave me alone. My life is shitty right now. I pour my heart out to the one person i feel in love with and now he's not speaking to me. I feel stupid. Please just go. I don't feel like dealing with anyone.

I felt someone lift my face up. I could t see because my eyes are blurry from the crying. I felt some lips touch mine and when i wiped my eyes i saw laurent kissing me. I don't know if i should kiss back. I saw him get up and lock the door.

Alona: what are you doing?

Laurent: giving you my love.

He walked over to me and kissed me again. This time with more hungry and want. I kissed back and thats when things got started.

My love for you: phat(completed)Where stories live. Discover now