Some fuckd shit

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So last night was crazy. I found myself in the bed with larry. I was terrified as fuck because i seriously don't remember what happened last night. I got up from the smell of food. Who the fuck is in my house cooking with my food? Im bout to stab someone. When i got downstairs with my baseball bat i see larry with no shirt on cooking. What the fuck is going on? Aint he still dating that girl Melissa? I gotta find out what the fuck is going on here? I walked up to larry and he must've knew i was behind him because he grabbed my waist and kissed me. I didnt wanna stop him but i had to. He just gave me this look of confusion.

Larry: baby why you push me away?

Baby? Did he just call me baby? When did i become his baby? Im so lost. So he not dating Melissa but he dating me? This has to be a joke.

Larry: how are you feeling?

Alona: what do you mean how am i feeling?

Larry: that stupid whore Melissa knocked you out last night after we kissed.

See i don't remember any of this. She is gonna feel my rage when i see her.

Alona: we kissed and why she knocked me out?

Larry: last night i found out she was cheating on me with her ex husband. You were dancing with him i guess you knew him for a long time.

Alona: how was her husband?

Larry: chris. Chris clemons.

Alona: oh yea right. Im sorry i forgot everything that happened last night.

Larry: i broke up with her and when you found me we both had expressed our feelings for each and stuff and then we kissed. When she saw us she started saying so you're leaving me for her and then she knocked you out. I had to bring you home because you were not able to drive.

Alona: wow this is so crazy and i don't even remember none of this but think you for helping me get back home safe. But can we talk about something?

Larry: about what?

Alona: larry i know that we might have shared our feelings for each other but don't you think we are rushing into this, i mean i don't even remember telling my feelings for you even though they are real and you expressing your feelings for me.... i just wanna start of with getting to know you first before we try to take it into being boyfriend and girlfriend right on the spot. Plus you just got out of a relationship and you're trying to step into a new one that fast.

I could see the hurt look on his face but he needs to hear the truth. I really do wanna be with larry but i don't wanna rush to be with him because anything could happen. Like right now i know he probably gonna be hearing from Melissa or she is gonna try to ruin his life and things. I cant deal with that right now. I just need to see how he is as a person first and  really understand him and get to know him before i make him my boyfriend.

Chris Clem
You know i never thought i would see the day when Melissa got caught for cheating the nigga that she cheated on me with. Looks like we both fell for her stupid tricks and games. Sadly i'm still playing fuck buddy with her. I just like to fuck her because she gives great head and she knows how to ride but that don't mean she got good pussy. She came to my house last night balling her eyes out over that nigga. She need to wake up and realize when she is at fault. She is so ready to go crazy on someone for something she did and when it backfires it gets to her. I really want her to leave but I'm going to be the bigger person and fuck her pain away then make her leave.

Melissa: chris?

Chris: yea Melissa.

Melissa: why did we do this? I hurt you and then i hurt larry. I feel so stupid.

Chris: thats cuz you are stupid.

Melissa: ...

Chris: look i didnt mean it like that.

Melissa: how do i get him back?

Chris: that might not be possible.

Melissa: and why is that?

Chris: check social media. Everyone is raving over his new girlfriend... oh shit that's alona.

Melissa: HOW DO YOU KNOW HER? Fat bitch

Chris: she is a long time friend and what do you have against her?

Melissa: she's been trying to steal larry from me from the jump. She thought she could fool me by going on dates with his brother.

Chris: are u sure because seems like you fucked it up when you started fucking me again.

Melissa: why are you friends with her?

Chris: why are you still here in my house talking to me about your problems when you are the one who made your problems?

Melissa: whatever i gotta go. Im going get my man back.

She is gonna look so stupid when she sees that he aint gone take her back. She put this on herself. We could've stayed a couple if she just would've never cheated. Oh well she getting what she deserves.

Me and alona are out getting to know each other more. I took her to a few places today. We are walking down the street and all of a sudden we see Melissa walking our way. She stopped right in front of us.

Melissa: i thought i beat your ass fat bitch.

I could feel alona squeeze my hand hard as hell so i squeezed back to calm her down. I didnt want her to do nothing crazy so i pushed her behind me. She wrapped her arms around my waist.

Larry: why your cheating dirty ass here? Leave us alone Melissa.

Melissa: larry i want you back... i cant live without you in my life. I didnt mean to hurt you. I should've never cheated. Please forgive me and say that you love me and that you wanna be with me again.

Larry: why should i? You are dead to me.

Alona: baby can we go eat, im hungry.

Melissa: fat bitch always hungry.

Alona: you got one more time to call me fat bitch and  so help me-

Melissa: FAT BI-

Alona let me go and lunged at Melissa. I tried to get her off of Melissa but she wasn't budging.

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