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Its been hard trying to deal with the fact that Laurent has a girlfriend now and I'm single. Yea i broke up with larry cuz he a cheater and i cant do that again. I have been hanging out with Kelsey to fill the void of being lonely again. Anyways I'm at this party with Kelsey. It looks like a kick out slash block party but you never know these days.

Kelsey: i told you this party is lit.

Alona: yea for now its okay. Its a lot of people here.

Kelsey: well go mingle because i see a slice of pie that i need to eat.

Alona: are you talking about a man or actual pie?

Kelsey: both. Speaking of pie my cousin is here and i want you to meet him.

Alona: okay. You know how i feel about meeting new people. They could be crazy.

1 hour and a half later.
When have been chilling for a min at this party. Its pretty lit and I'm glad i didn't drink because i see people getting too crazy. Kelsey's cousin finally came to the party.  I haven't met him yet but he's supposed to be meeting us over here.

???:guess who?

Kelsey: denzel?

???:no try again.

When i saw his face all i saw greek god and body of a god. That boy is some beautiful walking sexual chocolate.

Kelsey: Darius this is alona. Lona this is Darius

Darius: hi its nice to meet you.

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