Back to work

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The photoshoot was amazing. I had a great tike with all of my models, even larry and laurent. The photographer thought he was slick trying to slide his digits into my phone. He aint even my type. He was trying too hard and it wasn't working. I like my men with a lil sass in them and some height like larry and laurent. Im in my office going over some paperwork before i go to the studio. As usual larry and laurent always seem to find their way to my office but i don't mind. It makes me happy to see them happy and when we are all happy we can focus and get the job done.

Larry: morning belle.

Laurent: morning alona.

Alona: good morning laurent and larry. Are you too ready to hit the studio?

Laurent: we not going to studio today.

Alona: why not. I thought you had to record another song or finish the one from last week.

Laurent: we did finish it. You forgot, didnt you?

Alona: look my mind has been all over the place. Dealing with all these different artist and craig pushing me over my limits with this work. I've been trying my best to just hold on and keep things a flow. I need something to drink to cool me down.

If only they understood what i'm dealing with right now. I just need a break from the job life and tale a vacation for a week but that aint happening no time soon.

Later on
I got a call from laurent saying that he wanted to hang out and i didn't mind. I need some more friends. Well male friends that is. All of my male friends are married and in other cities so right now i just have kelsey. I got dressed and headed to laurent and larry's house. After i rung the door bell the door opened and it was a girl. She is light-skin with thick eyebrows and she got body.

???: hi can i help you?

Alona: yea I'm here for laurent.

???: why are you here for laurent?

Alona: he asked me out on a date.

???: oh you're the fat girl that lives next to them. Seems like you caught his and larry's attention. Now i see why.

Did she really just call me fat? What did i do to her to make her so upset.

Alona: what is that suppose to mean?

???: oh nothing at all, but here's the thing. Larry is my boyfriend and he doesn't like fat bitches so stay away or i will drag you away.... laurent your date is here.

Alona: ugh i wasn't trying to take larry from you.

???: better not be

Laurent came down and he looked fucking sexy. I know he could see the hurt and confused look on my face. I tried to put on a fake smile but it wasn't working out that well. He grabbed my hand and kissed my cheek. We got in his truck and he drove us to a restaurant. Even though I'm excited about this date i still have what that girl said on my mind. I already have insecurities about my body and she just made it worse. We got seated and i just kept my face in the menu.

Laurent: lona whats wrong? Ever since you got to my house you had this sad face on you.

Alona: it's nothing.

Laurent: are you sure? You look like you're lying.

Alona: I'm positive. Its nothing. Lets just order our food.

The date has been going smoothly. Laurent has been making me smile all night. I love the fact that he is taking me away from my busy schedule and cheering me up. After he paid for our food. We left and he took me home.

Alona: thank you laurent. I had an amazing time tonight. I really needed this night.

Laurent: its my pleasure bell. You really looked beautiful tonight and i had fun as well. I hope to see you again with a smile on your face and not a frown. See you tomorrow at work.

He kissed my hand and my cheek and walked back to his house. I went inside and laid on my bed thinking about what that woman said.

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