Company party

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I got dressed for our company party tonight. I havent been to a party in weeks but this would be fun to bring a plus one. I aint got no man so i brought Kelsey with me. Maybe she can find a fine man here to talk to and possibly be in a relationship with in the future. Its so chili in here and that is just the way i need it to be. Once me and kelsey heard the music we started dancing and enjoying ourselves. The night was young. I felt someone bump into me and when i turned around i saw larry and his girlfriend. I never understood why she has a issue with me. Larry walked up to me and gave me a hug. I swear i love his hugs too. I introduced Kelsey to larry because she thought i was lying when i said i know them. You know in the beginning i did have a thing for larry but i always knew i wouldn't be able to get him since he has a girlfriend and she is seriously over protective of her man. I walked away only to be pulled into a hug by Laurent. I look over my shoulder and see larry's girlfriend giving me a death glare. I don't think she would dare try to kill me because then she would go to jail. Laurent stared at me up and down and licked his lips. I hate when he makes me blush and now Kelsey is looking at me and i cant handle it.

Kelsey: hi I'm alona's best friend Kelsey and you must be Laurent.

Laurent: hi I'm Laurent. Its nice to meet you Kelsey.

He kissed her hand i got jealous. He gave me a hug and not a kiss. Why am i getting so jealous when we aren't even dating? I think its because i really am starting to catch feelings for him but i don't think he would like me.

Kelsey: lona I'm going to the bar.

Alona: have fun and don't drink too much.

Kelsey: yea like that'll happen.

I watched ass kelsey walked away. I know her ass is gonna get tipsy or drunk. She doesn't care at all. Thank god i am the one driving and not her. I felt someone pull my waist and when i looked her over it was Laurent. Damn i forgot he was standing next to me. Those strong arms just make me melt into ecstasy. A slow song came on a he asked me to dance. I happily took his hand and walked with him to the floor. As the song was continuing i could feel Laurent pulling me closer and closer to his body. We were already so close and i don't like getting in other peoples space but i guess he doesn't mind.

Alona really looks good tonight. She really does out do herself every time i see. I would've asked her to come with me but i was somewhat scared and i didn't know if she was gonna bring anybody or not. Well i'm glad she's here because i really needed to see her. We haven't talked that much lately and whenever we did she seemed like she was upset or depressed about something. I held her the whole time this song was playing. She felt so good and i had to pull her close to me. I stared in her eyes and watched her stare back me. I wanted so bad to kiss her but it just wasn't the right time. I see this look of pissed and aggravation on her face but i don't why. When i look over my shoulder i see Melissa behind her bumping into alona while she's dancing with larry.

Melissa: watch where you're going.

Alona: Laurent can we go get some food.

Laurent: sure babygirl.

Melissa: get go eat fat bitch.

Laurent: larry you just gone let your girl say that shit?

Melissa: larry is too drunk to understand right now.

Laurent: Melissa why are you doing this?

Melissa: i don't have to answer to you. Go make sure you're fat whore eats.

I watched as alona stormed away and i followed behind her. I couldn't let her go because of Melissa. Melissa has problems. She is always thinking that a female wants to take larry from her and she likes to talk about people. In the beginning she was nice but once she started getting used to the fact that we were getting more popular she couldn't handle females trying to talk to larry or be around him not even the fans. She would get upset when the fans would ask for a kiss on the cheek. I found alona and she was crying. I held her and tried to comfort her and calm her down.

Alona: what did i ever do to her for her not to like me?

Laurent: she has issues with larry having friends and i cant believe she let him drink. Don't worry about her. She was seriously wrong for the fat jokes. I don't think you're fat at all. You are a beautiful thick woman just the way i like.

Alona: thank you Laurent. That means so much to me. I really hate the fat jokes it makes me even more insecure than what i already am.

Laurent: don't be insecure baby. You are beautiful to me and i love it.

I dried her tears and looked her in her eyes. She looked at me with a sad face and i hated seeing her like this. I kissed her cheek and walked her back inside to the rest of the party. Melissa was not going to ruin this night and larry was definitely coming home with me and not her ass.

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