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Tonight me and Laurent are going to club downtown in the city. We making a club appearance since we haven't did one in a month. I invited Melissa to come with me and hopefully she don't get me drunk like she did the last time when we went out. The sex is always hot and steamy but for some reason all i can think about is alona. That girl does something to me and seeing her with my brother makes it all the more hard for me not to be jealous. I hope i see her tonight.

Laurent: larry you ready bro?

Larry: yea I'm ready, lemme grab my wallet and phone.

Laurent: well hurry up bro cuz we gotta go pick up Melissa and alona.

Larry: alright I'm coming. Don't rush me.

Laurent: do you wanna get left?

Larry: alright I'm coming down now.

We made it to Melissa's house and when she walked out she had on this small ass crop top and some short ass shorts. This aint nothing new to me. Whenever we go out she always where something tight and short.

Melissa: hey baby i missed you.

Her lips feel a lil rough.

Larry: hey babe. I missed you too.

Laurent: okay now we can go pick up alona.

Melissa: oh that fat bitch. Why she coming with us?

Larry: melissa that is mean. Say you are sorry.

Melissa: I'm sorry baby i just don't like her.

Larry: and why is that?

Melissa: cuz she tryna take you away from me.

This girl cant whisper for shit and heard what she said. She really jealous over a friend. She should be because if alona wanted me i would break up with Melissa right now and et with alona. Our relationship aint been the best. When we first got together she failed to mention that she was married to a nfl player but when it came out she tried to lie and say that she was filing for a divorce but they aint never do that until a year later and me being the dummy i am, i got back with her after that. I should've left but it was something about her that drew me to her. We pulled up to alona's house. I am so anxious to see what she got on....

We finally made it to club and it was packed. I was happy to be getting out the car cuz larry's girlfriend kept staring at me like i did something wrong. She even tried to threaten me. She really think I'm trying to steal her man from her. Yea i have always had a crush on larry and i still do but i kinda like Laurent to and he has been taking me out a-lot and i really like it. I don't know what i'm gonna do. I watched as larry's girlfriend pulled him on the dance floor and started grinding on him. She was smirking at me and i really didnt care. I went to the bar got a drink. I need a lil buzz tonight because i know i'm not going to be able to take her shit anymore. Laurent walked away soon as he stepped in. I guess he wanted to go have fun. As I'm drinking my drink someone comes and sits next to me. He looks really familiar. Now i remember who it is.

Alona: chris?

Chris: yea whose asking.

Alona: its me alona.

Chris: lona how have you been?!

Never could stop those aggressive hugs.

Alona: I'm fine, how are you?

Chris: i'm alright. I came here tonight with the fellas. They told me i need to get me a girlfriend. After my last marriage i don't know. Is hard trying to find someone.

Alona: who was your last marriage with?!

Chris: I really don't wanna talk about her. It was a few years ago and she is old news. I hope she has fun dating that dancer nigga.

Alona: what dancing nigga.

Chris: some french nigga name larry. He got a twin.

Oh shit. This is crazy i didnt know Melissa was his last wife. I know that she cheated on him but i didnt know it was her. Things are about to get really ugly. Me and chris talked all night. I asked him to come dance with me so he can feel a little better. After about an hour of dancing thats when things started heating up. Melissa saw chris and he saw her. She tried to act like he wasn't there but he called her out about having sex with him a few days ago because she said larry wasn't pleasing her enough. Im surprised larry didnt go off on her. He just stood there and listened to the whole things. She tried to deny and said she would never do that larry but it was too late. He broke up with her right there and walked off. I went to go find him and he was sitting outside on the curb.

Alona: larry?

Larry: WHAT?!

Alona: look i am sorry for her doing that to you. She wasn't right for you anyways. I know you loved her even after she cheated on her husband with you when she was married.

Larry: you know after they got a divorce i just thought that maybe things changed and that she really did like me and was gonna start being faithful but i guess i was wrong. She was just some hoe looking for her away into the famous life and money... how could i be so stupid.

Alona: you're not stupid larry. You are an amazing person and she lost a great man. She didnt deserve your love and gentleness. You are so talented and kind and caring and loving. Any girl would be lucky to have you.

Larry: you mean a girl like you.

Alona: huh?

Larry: listen lona.... i really really like you and i wanna make us work but when you started talking to my brother i got extremely jealous and envious because you looked so happy with him and i wanted it to be me you were happy with. I know he likes you and you probably like him too and I'm cool with that if you wanna be with h-

I stopped larry right there and kissed him like it was our last time.

Alona: larry i have liked you since the beginning hut you had a girlfriend. Don't get me wrong i did have feelings for Laurent but i know he's not ready to be in a relationship after Jessica left him. He still has feelings for her and i think he should get her back no matter what. If you really wanna be with me then that girl up in there has to go because i have put up with her shit for the last time. She always had something mean to say to me. The fat jokes were the icing on the cake and i hated it.

Larry: i promise lona. I really want you to be my girl. I will block her on everything right now. She can have her ex husband again. I kew some shit like this was gonna happen. If was only a matter of time before some shit unfolded.

I got up and dusted the back of my pants. I was so ready to go because this night wasn't the best. I felt someone behind me and realized it was larry. He turned me around and kissed me. That kiss was so passionate.


She is trying me and I'm not gone have it.

Larry: nah Melissa you fucked up and cheated again so stay yo ass away from the both of us.

Next thing i knew it was dark.

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