2: Jealous

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Chapta' two! Enjoy, folks. Isn't Marco the cutest? <3

(Marco's POV)

She was driving me crazy!

It was like she knew what she was doing to me. Why did she insist on sitting next to me for every meal, and always choosing me as a partner for training. I got so flustered and awkward around her! There was no way she didn't know what she was doing.

I watched her as she pulled on her harness, biting her tongue as she struggled with the straps. My lips twitched into a smile as I admired her from afar. Her pretty (h/c) hair, her bright (e/c) eyes, and that breathtaking smile and adorable laugh. I couldn't resist her, even if I wanted to. She was so beautiful, so unique...better than all the other girls here combined.

She let out a frustrated huff as she once again failed to tighten the last strap. She wiped her hair out of her face and looked around, her eyes eventually landing on me.

"Hey, Marco, mind helping me out?" She asked, and I went red.

"M-Me?" I stammered, and she grinned.

"Well yeah, I don't know any other guys named Marco, do you?"

I blushed even harder, realizing how stupid that sounded. "N-No...sorry. Yeah, sure, I can help." Way to go, now she thinks you're a total idiot.

However, when I walked over to her, she gave me a shy smile, and her face grew dusted with pink. Wait...is she really blushing? No, surely she doesn't like me back. I'm nothing special, but she's...no, I'm just imagining things. It's best to not get my hopes up.

With shaking fingers, I fixed the clasp on her harness, avoiding looking in her eyes.

"T-There," I mumbled, taking a step back.

"Thanks," she said, and pulled her hair back into a messy ponytail. "Hey, do you need me to help? I'd feel bad if I didn't return the favor."

"Oh, uh, no!" I said quickly, taking a step back. "I'm fine, thanks!"

She frowned. "Oh, okay. Well, I'll see you around I guess. Bye, Bott." She turned to walk away, and the disappoint was clear in her eyes.

Why would she want to help me? There's no way she likes me back. It's just a fantasy. Besides...she likes Eren already, it's obvious, they're always together.

I began to get ready as well, angry at myself for being so horrible at reading her. I loved her, I should be able to figure out who she liked at the very least! Maybe it was a good thing we weren't dating. I was completely clueless. I'd be an awful boyfriend.

I was mad at myself for the rest of the day. Maybe I was being overdramatic about it, but I had not only missed an opportunity go get closer to her, but I had also managed to insult her somehow. She avoided me at dinner, and ignored me when I smiled at her.

When I was walking back from my shower, I saw her sitting by herself, staring off into space, as if she could see something no one else could.

She did this often, and whenever she did, it made me sad. She looked so lost, so lonely.

I opened my mouth to call out to her, when Eren seemingly appeared out of nowhere. He sat down next to her, and she stiffened ever so slightly.

"Armin told me about your family," he said softly.

She looked away, her eyes pained, and Eren let out a sigh. He placed a hand on her shoulder, and she let out a half-sob, half-whine.

"I don't like talking about it," she whispered hoarsely.

"I'm sorry. I understand...my mom was eaten, too." I frowned as I listened, not even caring that I was eavesdropping. I watched as (Y/n) trembled, her eyes filling with tears.

She usually seemed so much stronger and capable. She was a fighter, and always had a comeback for everything. It never even occurred to me that she might have lost her family.

"I miss them," (Y/n) said, her voice soft and sorrowful.

Eren pulled her into a hug, and suddenly the scene changed from sweet to completely unacceptable. I didn't mind if she was friends with Eren, but physical contact between them wasn't okay. I wanted (Y/n) to myself...even though I wasn't good enough for her.

"Thanks for talking to me," (Y/n) said, pulling away.

"Anytime," Eren said with a smile.

No...don't smile at her! I thought, jealousy flooding my system.

"Well, good night. I'll talk to you tomorrow, Eren."

I need to take care of him before they get even closer.

(Y/n) is going to be my girlfriend.

Ugh...this was an awful chapter! How do you make Marco a yandere? Also, the main character's personality is so sporadic. I'll edit this later (since it sucks, and it's so short!) but I wanted to post this by tonight.

Oh, by the way, if any of you like the anime Diabolik Lovers, you should check out my new one shot book. Yeah, shameless advertising. It's really good, though. Like, some of my best work yet. I've only posted one chapter so far, but it's long, so it should keep you busy for a while.

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