8: Sacrifice

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Sorry I didn't post this last night, I was trying to finish Tokyo Ghoul Root A. It was almost three weeks ago when I finished watching the first series. I really need to just finish all of the shows I started before I find a new one. I've been on episode 9 of Psycho Pass for almost a month now.

Oh well, that's not the point of this book. Here you go, more yandere Marco for you! (Gore warning ahead!)

(Your POV)

I didn't like this side of Marco. The way he looked at me was hungry, yet empty. I didn't want to be alone with him out here for any longer than I had to be.

He didn't move. He simply...stared at me.

"Marco? Weren't you going to let Mikasa go free?" I asked. My voice was trembling, but I tried to sound calm. I didn't want to upset him in any way.

What would he do if he snapped?

He nodded once, slowly. "Yes...let her go free." He smiled, blushing softly. "Then you'll love me back, right? You'll love my if I take care of her for you?"

Something about the way he said 'take care of' made me think 'kill.' However, I still didn't believe that he could kill someone. A part of me still clung to the idea that this was just some kind of sick, twisted joke, cooked up by the boy that was currently standing before me, waiting for my answer. He turned, and I frantically thought of some way to stop him.

It's not to late...I could save her.

"Don't hurt her," I said, but he was already walking away, towards the direction of her sobs. "I can't promise anything, Goddess. I must do whatever necessary to protect you."

"Wait, stop!" I cried, and he laughed.

"Just wait, my gorgeous beloved. I will kill her for you, Goddess (Y/n). I'll give you your sacrifice! I'll give her the payment she deserves!" He pulled out a knife, one crusted with blood. That's Eren's blood...I know it. Unless Marco killed somebody else.

"Please. Don't, stop it! I'll...I'll...." I frantically tried to come up with a way to stop him. "If you kill her, I'll be angry at you again!"

His grin faltered for a split second, before it came back in full force. "Don't be silly! I know you hate her. She made you cry, remember? I made her cry as well. Now, I'll kill her, so she never hurts your feelings again." He held up the knife to me, the hilt facing me, so he held onto the blade. A thin trickle of blood ran down his wrist. "If you're really mad at me once I'm finished, you can kill me, too. I promise not to fight back. Just...let me get rid of her, first."

Tears were falling down my cheeks in a slow trickle. I don't even remember starting to cry, but now it was the only thing I could focus on. A few of the hot, salty droplets felt on my lips, and I wiped them away. I couldn't cry, that wasn't going to save Mikasa.

Her life was in my hands right now. I was responsible if she died.

"Marco, this isn't funny. No one needs to die. Just let her go, and then...then I'll be your girlfriend. You want that, don't you?"

He blinked, then nodded eagerly. "Yes, more than anything." Then his face went solemn. "But you can't stop me. She's dead, no matter you say!"

He turned and ran, my only hope of saving her vanished like a flame in the wind. I called out after him, but my own shouts were interrupted by a high-pitched shriek. I knew it was Mikasa, even though her scream sounded nothing like I would've expected from her. I wanted to plug my ears, to block out the horrible sounds of screaming and stabbing, but it was like I was frozen in place.

Then, everything went dead silent.

Marco came out, holding Mikasa's dead body in his arms. He set her down in front of me, bowing deeply. She had been stabbed to death. She was still, and her eyes were now empty. She was really, truly dead. Marco just killed her...for real.

Would he kill me, too?

"Goddess?" He asked softly. "Are you...pleased with me?"

Does he honestly think I'm so kind of goddess in human form? Is he crazy? Wait, scratch that, he definitely is crazy. How could he just murder someone without remorse?

"S-Stop," I whispered my voice breaking. "Stop bowing to me."

I failed. Her life was in my hands, but I didn't hold on tight enough. She's dead, because of me. I'm sorry, Mikasa. Even though you were a jerk to me, you didn't deserve this.

I'm sorry.

~ ~ ~

(Marco's POV)

I had just killed two people. I tortured one of them. I forced the other one to watch as I killed their brother. I was a murderer.

Why didn't I feel guilty?

It's because I know what I'm doing it for (Y/n)'s sake. Everything I do is for her.

"(Y/n)," I asked, my voice soft. I held up the knife, keeping my eyes downcast. "If you want...you may kill me now." But I don't want to leave you. I thought, praying she would see this how I did. I wanted her to thank me for protecting her, but instead she backed away from me.

"No," she choked out. The look of fear in her eyes when she looked down at me nearly broke my heart in two. "No...I could never kill anyone. Just...stay away from me."

She turned and ran, and I watched her go, letting out a soft whine of longing as I watched her silhouette disappear. My Goddess...why are you so frightened of me? I'm not a monster, I was just protecting you. I'm your guard, your servant. I don't want to be apart from you!

"Please...come back...." I whispered hoarsely.

She didn't.

Not sure I like this chapter quite as much as the last one. It seemed a bit choppy in my mind. I don't know, maybe it's just me.

Hey, emopastelgirl, you were right about Mikasa ;)

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