7: Mad Adoration

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^^Don't even ask, I thought the picture was funny. I know, it doesn't really fit the theme of this book. Don't question my sense of humor, it doesn't make sense sometimes!

Also, this chapter might be a bit shorter than usual. Sorry about that.

(Your POV)

I had no idea where on earth Eren was.

Per Armin's begging, I helped him look for his friends for nearly two hours, with no results. I didn't have a clue where he went. To make it worse, Mikasa was missing now, too, as well as Marco. Had they all gotten lost? That was doubtful. We had been here for nearly three years. You would think they knew their way around here by now. Eren, maybe not, but Mikasa definitely did. So did Marco.

Once again, I was filled with unease. I sighed, setting down my blades. I couldn't focus on practice with three cadets missing...even if one of them was Mikasa.

"Armin!" I called, and the blonde coconut looked over at me.

"Yeah? What is it, (Y/n)?"

"I'm going to look for them again. If Shadis asks where I am, tell him I'm going to the bathroom or some, alright?" I sheathed my blades.

"Uh, yeah, sure thing," he said, and even though I knew he wasn't too thrilled about helping me break the rules, he was more concerned with finding his friends that following the rules.

"Thanks, you're the best!" I called, and ran off. Jean looked at me curiously, but didn't question where I was going. He knew. Marco was missing too, after all.

I hurried towards the stables, deciding to look their first. We had already checked once, but to be fair, we've looked basically everywhere. I was starting to think they had been hurt or something. Even though I knew the titans couldn't get through the wall - well, the colossal and armored titan could, but that's besides the point - I was worried one had gotten through. No...we would've heard about that by now. No titan ate them, (Y/n), stop being stupid.

I froze mid step, swearing I heard a familiar voice.


I spun around, my heart skipping a beat. "Marco?" I called. "Is that you?"

There was a pause, and I held my breath. Was I imaging his voice? That was weird. I could've sworn I heard him. Was I going crazy?

Then, there it was again. This time, I could pick up what he said.

"(Y/n)...where are you? I have a surprise for you!"

Without thinking twice, I ran in the direction his voice came from. He's safe! Does he have Eren and Mikasa with him? What happened to them, anyway? Something is weird about this.

I slowed down when I heard a second voice. This one was female, and they sounded like they were...crying? Was Mikasa injured?

"Marco? Mikasa? Is Eren with you?"

"Run!" Mikasa screamed, throwing me off guard.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"Run while you still can! He's crazy!" She sounded panicked. "I'm not kidding, (Y/n), Marco's gone insane. He...he murdered Eren. Please, just run!"

I felt my blood go cold, and my body felt numb. I opened my mouth to speak, but all I could do was laugh. It was a broken, confused laugh, that sounded more like a sob than a laugh. "Y-You...you're joking," I said. "Eren...no, he can't be dead. Marco would never-"

"Never what, (Y/n)?"

I screamed, nearly falling on the ground when I heard the freckled boy's voice. I spun around and saw him standing there, watching me with his deep brown eyes. He looked like normal - brown hair, wide eyes, adorable freckles covering his face - but something was different about him. There was a look of emptiness in his eyes. Insanity. Also, his hands were covered in blood.

"I'd never...what? Tell me...I'm curious to hear what you think I'll never do."

I took a step back. He even sounded different. It was like an entirely new person had possessed him. The old Marco had been replaced with someone else. I didn't like this new side of him, not at all. I didn't like the tone in his voice, the sinister grin on his lips, or the adoration in his eyes when he looked at me. Something about him felt unnatural now.

"You...you didn't really...kill Eren, did you?" My voice shook so hard it was hard to understand myself. His grin widened.

"Yes, I did. Do you want to see?"

"N-No, I'm good!" I took another step back. "W-Why...what happened to you?"

"I fell in love," he said, a blush forming on his freckled cheeks. He would be adorable if he wasn't looking at me like a wolf would a sheep.

"With me?" I asked softly, though I knew the answer.

"Yes...of course with you. You're a Goddess, (Y/n). I didn't see it at first, but now I know. I know that you're above us mortals, but...I want to serve you. So I killed Eren for you, to prove how dedicated I am to you, and brought you an offering. A sacrifice."


He nodded enthusiastically. "Yes, her. The girl that made you cry. I made her cry, too. I got revenge for you, Goddess. I made her pay for hurting you!"

"No!" I cried, the reality of what was happening settling in. "You can't just kill my friend! That's so wrong, Marco. Don't kill anyone else?"

His smiled faded, then vanished altogether. He looked crestfallen. "I did bad, Goddess? I'm sorry...I'll try harder to please you!" He smirked. "I'll do anything for Goddess!"

"Let Mikasa go!"

He blinked once, then nodded.

"Of course, my Goddess."

Hope you liked this! Guess who's going to die in the next chapter?

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